[HOW-TO ALL PLATFORMS]Can I use Netflix on OSMC?(post 4)

Hi, I’m using a Raspberry Pi 3B on the version of OSMC from 11.1 with Kodi 18.5. I followed the steps on this guide and Netflix was installed and allowed me to login and look through my queue. When I try to watch a video it asks me to install Widevine as expected, but the download never completes. I’ve left it running overnight a few times now and on one of those times I left it running all through the next day. In each of those attempts the download bar was full and with my internet speed it should’ve had enough time to download the 3GB. But the progress bar just stays at full and the process never completes. When I try to cancel the download the dialog tells me that it’s stopping the download but this never completes either and I have to restart my device before I can use it again. Is there any alternate way to install Widevine or is there anything I can try to make this work?

Currently I don’t know any other way, I will try myself on a clean install, but i’m unsure if i’ll get time tonight.

Thanks for the quick reply. I’m going to try doing a fresh install as well, even though installing Netflix was the first thing I tried on my new install. I’ll update if I get any better results. Are there any logs or files I should keep track of that may help?

I’m unsure if there is any log files for inputstreamhelper, My only guess is in kodi.log

Find anything about the widevine support? I’ve tried again from a fresh install a few times now and I still am not able to finish downloading widevine when I get Netflix open.

Only replying to see if we all get cool Christmas hats :slight_smile:

Sorry to say, I can’t replicate your issue, the only thing i can think of is either download issues(corrupt download) or storage issues (lack of space for unzipping the image and extracting libwidevine).

On a clean install (16gb sd card) i got no issues.

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I’m using an 8gb SD card. I have 4.1GB left available, and IIRC it has more space free before I first try to download widevine and after eventually having to cancel the download it keeps this extra space used. Would I need much more than this to properly extract widevine? My last attempt was from a fresh install with the latest version of OSMC.
My internet connection is pretty slow so when I try to get netflix running I leave it to run overnight. Is it possible it’s dropping the connection sometime in the download and not resuming it? Or do you think 8gb may not be enough?

I don’t think that is enough. The last time I tried it on a 8GB partition it failed. If I recall the file it downloaded was something like 3GB and I think it might have to unpack that whole thing in order to extract the files it actually keeps. Don’t quote me on this though.

If your internet connection is so slow, then how do you expect Netlfix to be usable?
It’s a streaming service…

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My internet is decent enough to watch Netflix on other platforms but it still takes a while to download the 2-3GB chrome recovery image.

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Hey, I have the problem, that many Videos are only available in 540p. Do I have to set any special settings to get the content in 720p?
Most of the Netflix Original stuff is available in 720p and above, but e.g. Batman v Superman is only available in 540p.

Sorry to say i’ve been “out of the loop” since before X-mas vacation. I will do my best to get a top of things again, but i haven’t touched Netflix on a OSMC device in a month time :slight_smile:

But do you know if it’s a common problem?
The thread starter of this Kodi forum thread wrote

However - yes- for some reason you can sometimes only get 960x540p streams from the Netflix servers. Seems unreliably with movies.

And some other users also wrote that some content is limited to 540p.
I know this kinda answers my question but I kinda expected to read something about this limitation in this HowTo.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the 960x540p streams are mandated by particular content owners or studios when Widevine L3 is used

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Just tried downloading latest version of the addon to my OSMC Pi, any ideas on what has gone wrong?

osmc@osmcPi:~$  wget https://github.com/CastagnaIT/plugin.video.netflix/archive/master.zip
--2020-02-01 13:15:03--  https://github.com/CastagnaIT/plugin.video.netflix/archive/master.zip
Resolving github.com (github.com)...
Connecting to github.com (github.com)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: https://codeload.github.com/CastagnaIT/plugin.video.netflix/zip/master [following]
--2020-02-01 13:15:04--  https://codeload.github.com/CastagnaIT/plugin.video.netflix/zip/master
Resolving codeload.github.com (codeload.github.com)...
Connecting to codeload.github.com (codeload.github.com)||:443... connected.
GnuTLS: A TLS fatal alert has been received.
GnuTLS: received alert [40]: Handshake failed
Unable to establish SSL connection.

I have an issue when I try to install Netflix addon.

I can’t install pucryptodomex package. Every time I run the command
sudo pip install pycryptodomex==3.8.2
it stop at 99% download with the message “Processus arreté” (something like “process stop” in english).

I try to install the lastest version (3.9.7) but it is the same problem. By the way, is it really necessary to install the version 3.8.2 ? In the CastagnaIT wiki, the installation procedure for OSMC doesn’t talk about this.

I also try the installation script but same error occur even if the script does’t end in error.
./netflix_prep_install.sh : ligne 18 : 1818 Processus arrêté sudo pip install -q pycryptodomex==3.8.2

Can anyone help me with this ?

Try installing the repository https://github.com/CastagnaIT/repository.castagnait/blob/master/repository.castagnait-1.0.0.zip

Installing the repository works fine. The problem is before, during the preparation of the prerequisites.

According to joakim_s’ how-to and the CastagnaIT procedure I need to install Cryptodome first :

sudo pip install pycryptodomex

OK, it seems I found the solution. My version of pip was very old (9.0.1). I upgraded to the latest (20.0.2) and now download of the pycryptodomex is very slow but rise the 100% and installation seems proceed :
Collecting pycryptodomex
Downloading pycryptodomex-3.9.7.tar.gz (15.5 MB)
|################################| 15.5 MB 2.9 kB/s
^[[15~Building wheels for collected packages: pycryptodomex
Building wheel for pycryptodomex (setup.py) ... |

Wait & see… It is veeerrrry long…