How to make Wake On Lan work 2018

After using OSMC for more than a year I finally got something I can’t figure out…

I use this configuration:

Raspberry Pi 3B
OSMC March 2018.03-2
Samsung TV UE32EH5300
The Pi is connected to the TV using HDMI cable, and is connected with a wire to the network.
It has a static ip-address.

Now I want to set it up for Wake On Lan. I am a noob with networks and WOL, so please bear with me.

I go to settings in Kodi and I have the option only to setup a timer, of any length I choose, OR “off”.

I choose say, 5 minutes.

After 5 minutes, sure enough the Pi goes to sleep.

I use “Kodi Remote” an iPhone App, it offers a “Wake on Lan” option. The Kodi shows as “offline” and I select it and choose the WOL option. It says command send, but nothing happens.

The TV shows “no signal source” and I try different buttons on the remote, just to be sure. Switch HDMI channel in hopes the HDMI might trigger something.

Nothing works. I finally try to ping the device from my computer; not working either. I googled and found a freeware program to “wake up” computers using WOL. I enter IP address, MAC Address and click the magic button, this doesn’t work either.

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