[HOW-TO ] retrOSMCmk2: a RetroPie installer on the Vero4K

Worked like a charm. Thank you! Now I just need to tinker with the video setting and find what looks the best.

Hi there, I can’t install the launch.retropie.zip script in kodi, it fails with the message that a dependency is missing.

Edit: This happened only with Kodi 20, Kodi 19 works fine.

You are missing PyXBMCt.
I’ve uninstalled the addon on my Vero4k and at re-install I have the same issue. Had to manually download and install it from zip (v1.3.1). Not sure why it’s unavailable at this stage.

EDIT - on a clean system I find that too doesn’t install because of it’s own dependency problems…
You’ll need to download and install script.module.six.
Then script.module.kodi-six
Then script.module.pyxbmct
And finally my addon.

I still don’t know what’s going on here.

I pulled the last commits from master some days ago, did an uninstall followed by a fresh install on the latest OSMC version on my Vero 4k and everything installed cleanly and quickly. Thank you for your effort @hissingshark

So far no issues apart from the N64 emulators as usual, but I need to check some more ROMs. Is lr-mupen64plus the only working option for everyone else?


Do we already know whether the Vero V will also work?

It should work just fine. We’ve ensured a very high level of backward compatibility with this release.

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@dbischof90 I was going to test this later, I can push the test date some and hopefully answer tomorrow, I don’t expect any real problems.

I’m having to provide a custom build of EmulationStation due to what I suspect it’s a GPU driver bug. After a month of playing around I’ve just patched around it.

Most emulators have built and run as normal.

The only one with a video showstopper is PPSSPP - which I will get to when I can.

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@hissingshark talk to me about this and maybe it’s something we can help with.

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Can’t wait till you’ve relesesed this, :heart::love_you_gesture:t2::+1:

Hi, I hope you can help me with an issue I have.

After having updated OSMC to the latest version (build 20.02.0) on my Raspberry Pi 3B+, the launcher is not able to launch emulationstation: the screen goes black and, instead of starting, I get a message saying that emulatiostation cannot start because it cannot find the libGL.so.1 open shared library.

Do you have any clue about how to solve this?

Was it working before you updated OSMC? And how long since you last updated i.e. was this a big jump?
Also, is retrOSMCmk2 at the the latest version?

It was working before summer, probably June or so.

I update OSMC regularly, so I would say it was not a big jump.

I don’t update retrOSMCmk2 regularly. What I did was updating it when I noticed this issue, to see if it the update would fix it, but it didn’t. I also replaced the launcher, by deleting it and letting the script re-download it, but it didn’t solve the issue.

What I haven’t tried was un-installing and re-installing retrOSMCmk2 since I was not sure if it would delete my ROMs folders, skins and similar.

I encountered this too recently. Looks like a fix is on the way; follow Sam’s instructions here to install the update from osmc-devel. That fixed the package conflict for me.

@mbarnes thanks a lot! It worked like a charm!

How will it work in the future for the package?

Hmmm does not work yet out of the box for the Vero V…

Setting up git (1:2.30.2-1+deb11u2) ...
Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.31-113) ...
Cloning into 'retrOSMCmk2'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 1065, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (326/326), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (61/61), done.
remote: Total 1065 (delta 290), reused 288 (delta 264), pack-reused 739
Receiving objects: 100% (1065/1065), 1.01 MiB | 2.84 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (665/665), done.
Unknown platform!  retrOSMCmk2 supports:
Vero (4K/4K+)

Distracted by a side project. I see I haven’t shared my changes.
I’ll get those out as soon as I can.

Running retroOsmcmk2 on a osmc vero4k

Always get no audio starting a game.

Error message about not being able to find mixer.

Tried switching audio to HDMI which it is in retropie. No joy.

I’m testing on Vero V at the moment. But when I left it my Vero 4k was fine. No audio changes of late.

So is this a new install? Long standing issue?

Do you have any update for the Vero V installer?