[HowTo] Installing RetroPie alongside OSMC RC (the easy way)

I think you did not choose cancel after the setup script told you about the missing emulator binary etc.
When you are back in retropie setup after the binaries installation, you have to choose cancel to lez my script do the rest. Looms like it didn’t do the second part.

Also, did my script ask you, if you want to create a shortcut for kodi? If it didn’t, you just killed it somehow before it ran all through.

I think this just never bothered me enough to do something about. Probably you can try to dpkg-reconfigure the splash-osmc (or something like that) package to get the text hidden again.
I can try a few things tomorrow. If you find a solution yourself, please let us know.

I’ll look into that shortly. I’d love to just ignore it, but I have to worry about the WAF, so that leads me to asking frankly unimportant questions about things that don’t really matter. Thanks

Don’t worry, I have the same problems at home ;-).
But I just have my pi 2 always running, so the chance for the wife to see the splashscreen are minimal.
I’ll have a look at this when I get some time.

Quick question (away from home machine and bored!)

Does the script make a working link to RetroPie under both OSMC default AND Confluence skins? I saw the video but that was OSMC skin and I will probably be using confliuence

The script itself can only create the link on the osmc skin and any skin that uses the skin.shortcuts addon.
For confluence you have to edit the skin files directly as stated at the top of this thread.

In the interest of being simple, I created a little addon. All it does is call System.Exec(/home/osmc/retropie.sh). Just install from zip, and then put the addon on your home menu, or set it as a favourite, however you want to access it. I find it especially helpful for the Sio2-X skin.


Yeah, you absolutely right. I just select reboot in menu after binary install and press ok instead of cancel. I think better to highlight that point in topic because I see that often issue in these forum. :smile: All works perfect now and shortcut was created in OSMC menu. Great job, best solution at moment!!! Hope you will support that script for a long time in future. Also it’s will be good to see some donate link at the end if forum rules allows. :wink:

That sounds good :smile:
I’ll have a look at that and if you agree I would like to give the option to install this plugin at the end of the script.

If you’d like to buy me a beer, my email is floating around in this thread somewhere.
But really, if you want to donate, I’d also suggest to donate to sam and his team who make all this possible in the first place. Also the RetroPie guys who spent a lot more work than me to get the emulators and helper programs running and maintained.

Oh that’s fine! It’s literally a two line python script that took 5 minutes to make. Do with it what you will.

hi! will this automatically install the newest version of retropie? i would like to go for the 3beta2. is that possible with your script? thanks

It will install latest git master branch. If you want a different one you could modify the git clone command to get that special branch before running the script.

Hi @mcobit. I had this working on Sunday (and it was great) but after installing it, it did something odd to my tvheadend setup and so I started from fresh. However now after I run the script and try to startup retropie (from Kodi or via ssh) it quickly flashes up a black screen, says “Emulationstation quit… Starting KODI” and loads Kodi up once more. I’ve tried it on OSMC RC1 and 2 for RPi 2, both produce the same problem. Any ideas? Are there any logs that I could post that may give you an idea what’s going on? Thanks for the work on this, it was awesome whilst it was working!



Anyone know if it’s safe to run the system update to bring OSMC to RC3? Or will it break the retropie installation? Sorry if that’s a dumb question. :slight_smile:

We’re not sure. This script is not approved by the OSMC team and it’s potentially problematic:

  • Application of a repository that isn’t always used in OSMC nor on all OSMC devices.
  • Installation of packages only to later remove them
  • Use of third party SDL librries.

We’re actually watching this internally as it’s a likely cause of breakage in future releases. We want to get Retropie (or Retroplayer, as it’s coming to Kodi) supported in OSMC, but we want to do it the right way


Thanks Sam.

For anyone curious, I took the plunge and installed RC3. RetroPie still seems to work fine. :smiley:

thx workes great!

Hello Sam,

Good to hear this statement from you. Let me explain my intentions a bit:

1.) I know that this is not the most elegant way to install emulators on OSMC, but it works for now. I hope I made it clear that this is experimental and you might break your system with it. Probably in the long run.

2.) The RetroPie project is heavily optimized for the raspberry pi, including HW features of the videocore. So it is not very surprising that this doesn’t work on other platforms.

3.) Using retropie was more of a quick workaround to get emulators on OSMC in kind of an easy and quick fashion.
To include them on every OSMC platform as an addon would mean to recompile and optimize them for every platform or just use generic arm binaries that will suffer from a lot of slowdown. With emulators you are always at the critical performance level especially if you include some filters or other enhancements.
The custom SDL libraries for example are there to take advantage of the hw scaling capabilities of the raspberry soc without the need for ogles to process the image what leads to slowdowns. It is basically free scaling.

4.) I can try to build some emulators as deb packages with everything installed to some folder in /opt or something if you like. All libraries that are needed could be either statically linked or provided in an extra folder.
This would be good for a system that doesn’t need to be altered itself for them to run, but it will be a problem to get them started as every emulator would need to be shipped with its own frontend or the user needs to manually integrate them into a blank emulationstation installation.
Also the stuff with quitting Kodi to get input and sound is not optimal but it works right now.
The package installation is a mess as you pointed out, but the only other way is to maintain my own fork of the retropie script as it installs stuff that is not needed or needs special versions of some packages that are not in the debian jessie repositories.

So, if you’d like to offer emulators on the appstore, I can probably help to build clean packages one at a time or a big retroarch package. Please let me know and I could try to come up with something cleaner. It will take some time though.



Edit: Retroplayer looks like a nice way to integrate emulators into kodi, but it doesn’t seem to be as far right now. Also it doesn’t work on arm right now? Looks more like a work in progress that will not be conveniently usable (at least on a lot of different cpus and configurations) for a year or two. Also, the problem with kodi needing to be quit still exists if you run it on the framebuffer.
But probably there are some things I don’t know of and those problems can get solved easily?
Also, it supplies the libretro ecosystem, that is not very optimized for specific platforms. That’s why RetroPie provides special versions of emulators built for example for the Raspberry Pi 2, that are not libretro cores where it seems appropriate due to performance limitations.


@mcobit - thanks, both for the script and for the offer to fit in with OSMC’s direction. This is just what is needed IMHO.