[HowTo] Installing RetroPie alongside OSMC RC (the easy way)


whenever i quit EmulationStation i have to manually kill it from terminal, otherwise it won’t get back to Kodi, do you know what it can be?
thx in advance

which ones are you working on ? ive installed dreamcast and ds as extra currently waiting for liquidsky to release their PI package so i dont have to use limelight

I try to transfer the retropie stuff into a portable package step by step.
As said, right now I got most libretro cores working. So nes, snes, gb, gba, psx etc.

the only one i had issues with as i always do is mame but i dont play that much mame so its ok pretty interested in liquidsky (like limelight) gonna be awesome if it works the way i want it when they release the beta need make a new shortcut so i can play new games along with all the retrogames :smiley:

@mcobit Just when I decide to walk away from OSMC (installing RetroPie image, Kodi and Limelight) you bring me back on in… Good to hear you are working on it again

@toast anything wrong with Limelight?

Limelight = Nvidia Geforce > 600 only

liquidsky = works on anything

why be dependant on something when there are alternatives, although if steam gives up some sourcecode for creating a link that would be be awesome

I read Liquidsky as cloud gaming not streaming from your own PC. Steam Link to me looks very much like an ARM box with something akin to Limelight. Since its gonna be either Linux or Android I suspect the “app” will get leaked and fixed for other platforms.

I’d buy Steam Link if it also runs Kodi and emulators. I don’t want more boxes if I can avoid it.

Cloud Gaming, steaming end result is pretty much the same makes shit run on devices thats not meant for new games :smile:

retrosmc alpha 0.001

I got something for the brave who want to test it:

First things first: I am NOT responsible if this does any harm to your system!

I suggest only to install this on a system that the old installer wasn’t run on already.

You should have at least 300 MB of free space on your sdcard.

SSH into your osmc installation.

Download the following file to your osmc home directory:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mcobit/retrosmc/master/install-retrosmc.sh

Make it executable by running:

chmod +x install-retrosmc.sh

Then run it:


You will see a pretty selfexplanatory menu.

Choose what you want to do and wait for a while.

You can exit the menu by choosing Cancel at the bottom after every task.

Note, that this is a first release and it is there to find bugs! So please report them and don’t expect everything to work.

Right now there are some things to know:

  • This is NOT a full RetroPie installation, so don’t expect all scripts and files to be present
  • Right now, only retroarch emulators will work, the others are deactivated, but I will try to add them when I find the time
  • This does not change your system or download packages from dubious sources, all files needed are distributed by the package
  • This has an uninstallation option in the menu. It will remove the whole package if you don’t want to have it anymore, but it will also remove any ROMS, BIOS, savefiles or configurationfiles you may have added or altered. So please make a backup of those if you want to use them later!
  • This will only work on a PI 2. Not on any other model and not on the Vero

Have fun!

Bugs found:

  • Because of a problem with the emulationstationscript, there could be no sound
    • Will be fixed in next version. As a workaround, type

      sudo modprobe snd_bcm2835
      at a commandline.
      (needs to be done once after every reboot)


I’m not in front of my install so I can’t check firsthand, but at the command line install the locate package with “apt-get install locate” and then once it’s installed do a “locate baseq3” or whatever the path you’re looking for is. Locate can be a linux novice’s best friend. :slight_smile:

I’ll try to give this a whirl tonight if I can get a chance. Otherwise will have to wait until Weds or Thurs. Thanks of course for your work!!

Where did the download link go :frowning: Just rebuilt the box and need my Retropie on OSMC fix :slight_smile:

Read the first post again!
This method is currently NOT SAFE because of changes to the osmc base system.

If you have a PI2, you can use the method described here:

Me bad :). Will try the Alpha on a fresh system. Your work is greatly appreciated here. Do you have a way to donate ?

I have installed but cannot find any shortcut to launch in OSMC. Is there anything else I need to do?

Managed to create the shortcut manually. The script still kept saying it was already installed when it wasn’t. Emulationstation launches fine but it cannot detect my Logitech F310.

if it is a bluetooth keyboard make sure HCI0 is up and running

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Sorry, I should have been more specific. This is a Logitech gamepad. The emulationstation log says it knows about it but none of the buttons work.

Sorry, but I don’t have the hardware to test. My numerous usb controllers seem to work.

Well, I guess it’s time for me to re-install OSMC from scratch to give this a whirl… :slight_smile: