[HowTo] RetroPie and OSMC: Retrosmc - Retrogaming on OSMC

yup… no joystick in /dev/input/ only event0, event4, mice, mouse0, and mouse1… I checked the folder manually as “sudo jstest /dev/input/js0” spit back “sudo: jstest: command not found”

I’ve only used 1 keyboard and my xbox controller with the setup. I think this all has something to do with this controller setup, [How-to] Xbox 360 Controller OSMC.

I think tonight i’m going to remove the script and uninstall xboxdrv, clean up, reinstall it, and try to set the controller up again using method 3 here: Home · RetroPie/RetroPie-Setup Wiki · GitHub

I’m new to this, but if anyone has any other tips or advice before I try this, let me know. Otherwise I’ll report back my results later tonight.