[HowTo] RetroPie and OSMC: Retrosmc - Retrogaming on OSMC

Even still, I am getting SDL dependency errors when I run the binary installation.

Following mcobit’s lead, here is a pastebin:

This log seems to be fine though, as apt corrects the problems and goes on.
The interesting part would be what comes behind this, as it would be good to see, if the sdl packages are actually installed correctly after solving the problems.

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Hi, seems to work fine, but for example doom will not start until you manually install libusb-1.0.
Would need to be added to the dependencies probably.

Anyone wants to test new versions of my scripts for direct installation of retropie?

Please pm me.

That is fine - I mentioned earlier, they are installed with dpkg -i which won’t install dependencies, and then apt-get -f install is used after, which corrects it so they did get installed.

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Thanks - will sort that.

alsa-utils is also not installed by default in osmc. It is needed to get the volume control going (alsamixer) in your scripts.

dependencies for retroarch and audiosettings should be fixed. Please can you put any more in a ticket on github, as it is easier to work there (and I can reference the ticket from the commits).

Sure, here you go:

Also, I am altering the emulationstation script at every launch right now, when it was updated, as the while loop prevents correct switching from es to kodi.
This works for now, but it would be nice to have the option to change the behaviour of this via some setting.

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OK, I must have missed that. My apologies. It was the end of a long night for me. Thank you!

Hello Irgend. Thanks a lot, It worked.

Sorry guys, which config.txt am I adding dtparam=audio=on too?


I ended up making it work, however I ask you this. How can I SSH into the system under the chroot environment of RetroPie? Anytime I try to do something for that part of the system it ends up installing it or modifying parts on the Kodi’s root.

I invited you to the testing of the new scripts. Those install RetroPie directly into the system, so no need for a chroot anymore.
You might want to join the testing.

If you want to change files in the chroot, you can find it in /opt/retrosmc/.
You should not need to install anything into the chroot environment, that is not installabele via the retropie menu options.

Also, you need to change the /boot/config.txt of osmc anyway. Not the one of the chroot (it doesn’t contain one and /boot is mounted to the osmc /boot there)

Well what I was trying to do was get moonlight installed onto the RetroPie side of things, because the limelight experimental that is in RetroPie is outdated and using java. Where as moonlight is a more up to date version and using C. So I wanted to simply use apt-get through ssh to do so without installing it into kodi, but into /opt/retrosmc/* environment.

Edit the /home/osmc/RetroPie/script/chroot.sh.
Make a backup first.
Remove the word emulationstation from the script. Then run it via ssh and it will give you a shell in the chroot.
Edit: Do not run apt-get update there!

With an official installation can we launch emulators and roms from RomColletionBrowser?

You would still need a script to start every emulator and shut down kodi when this happens. Else you will not get input in the games.

If you want an even closer kodi integration your best bet would be the retroplayer builds. But that is still not ready.

The main downside to the method explained above is that you will need to navigate to rcb again and choose another game after exiting one.
When using ES as frontend, there is no need to restart kodi after every emulator played.
It would take a pretty long time to load a game then and return to the kodi main menu after quit.

Also you would loose all the retropie benefits like starting emulators with options to choose the emulator, plugins or video mode as well as automatic controller setup.

Edit: what would be the benefit to use rcb as a frontend instead of es anyway? Both look good and do exactly the same. If you want to try to get something going, I can invite you to test the new installation/integration scripts.