[HowTo] RetroPie and OSMC: Retrosmc - Retrogaming on OSMC

Hi. It is normal that /opt/retrosmc is the root as this is a chroot environment to prevent damage to the main system.

You should mount or bind the hdd to some place in /opt/reteosmc to make it accessible to ES.

I just installed OSMC on a clean SD card and tried to run the RetroPie Setup script and I am still receiving lots of errors regarding SDL packages. :frowning:

that’s not much info for me to go on - there are logfiles in the logs folder. It does show some dependency problems when first installing - it does dpkg -i and the apt-get -f install to correct dependencies, so they might not actually be errors you are seeing.

Okay, I am feeling quite stupid. I can’t seem to get the SNES emulator to show up. I have done emulation station up and running. I have also done the following:

rm -r RetroPie/roms/snes
ln -s /media/NAS/ROMs/snes RetroPie/roms/snes

This step I did because all my ROMs are on a NFS. However, nothing shows up in emulation station as far as a snes emulator. Is there some other step I am suppose to do? All my ROMs are *.smc.

I ended up doing

rm -rf /opt/retrosmc/home/pi/RetroPie/roms
ln -s /media/NAS/ROMs /opt/retrosmc/home/pi/RetroPie/roms

instead, but in the log I get the ~/RetroPie/roms/snes is not a folder, but

ll /opt/retrosmc/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/
total 316K
drwxrwxrwx 2 1024 users  36K Nov 29 12:01 atari2600
drwxrwxrwx 2 1024 users  64K Nov 29 12:02 genesis
drwxrwxrwx 2 1024 users  20K Nov 29 12:03 mame
drwxrwxrwx 2 1024 users 4.0K Nov 29 12:03 n64
drwxrwxrwx 2 1024 users 124K Nov 29 12:04 nes
drwxrwxrwx 2 1024 users  56K Nov 29 14:03 snes

Try a bind mount - ES may not like symlinks.

mount --bind /media/NAS/ROMs /opt/retrosmc/home/pi/RetroPie/roms

Worked thanks!

Hello. I updated OSMC today, the november update, and now i have no sound in the games. Help me please.

So now a “official” RetroPie Setup Script can be done? Or it stills doesn’t work? I tried few weeks ago but I had problems with ¿SDL? package.

SDL2 should be sorted now (see above).

It can be installed, but we don’t do any integration etc with OSMC. The actual RetroPie-Setup system should work if you exit to a terminal and manually run emulationstation etc. Consider it experimental.

Yeah, I now. I have in my current installation the first “retropie_in_osmc”, that works without “chroot”. @mcobit did an script that basically launch EmulationStation and closes Kodi (plus the installation, of course)

Thent it evolved to the current packaged system, but if I can install the retropie stup I can have an updated RetroPie system (and re-executing the script to update)

Sorry for my absence lately.
If the installation works now (I’ll test that today), I’d love to go back to the direct installation and revise the old version to have the newer features. Not sure if the old scripts will work out of the box.
Thanks @exobuzz for fixing the installation. Another question: Is there a way to not install all the dev packages when doing a binary installation?

nope, but they don’t use much space compared to all the binaries etc.

Are there plans to add the Retropie Addon to the store to make it more seamless than getting the script and running it?

Hello. I updated again OSMC today, with the new 2015.11-02 update, and i still have no sound in the games. Help me please.

The new kernel doesn’t support loading of alsa drivers via modprobe. If you add dtparam=audio=on in to your config.txt sound works again in your game emulators (no need for modprobe). More details can be found in this thread: New update and squeezelite - #4 by sam_nazarko

Still not possible to install libsdl1.2.
Unresolved dependencies:

Still libts etc.

Sdl2.0 seems to install fine now though.

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Aah thanks - same problem as with the dependencies as sdl2 - I’ll need to rebuild new binaries. I’ve been quite busy recent so have had little time to check everything with binaries on OSMC. While you wait you can fix sdl1 by building that from source

sudo ./retropie_packages.sh sdl1

Thanks for your support.
I’ll test as soon as it’s ready.

Edit: Building sdl from source worked.

Thanks. I have now updated the binaries also.

This doesn’t actually work. I’ve tried binding my drive /media/usb/emu to /opt/retrosmc/home/pi/RetroPie/emu and when I look though it within the File Manager within ES it shows up blank, but if I SSH into it (which is the root file system’s SSH server) it shows up as linking.