[HowTo] RetroPie and OSMC: Retrosmc - Retrogaming on OSMC

Ahh that was stupid.

I’ve managed to run the script and follow the above instructions however I’m not 100% sure it installed correctly, mainly as I cannot see the addon under program addons (I ran install launcher addon).

When the scripts below ran

wget --no-check-certificate -w 4 -O /home/osmc/RetroPie/scripts/retropie.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mcobit/retrosmc/master/scripts/retropie.sh


wget --no-check-certificate -w 4 -O /home/osmc/RetroPie/scripts/retropie_watchdog.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mcobit/retrosmc/master/scripts/retropie_watchdog.sh

I got similar TLS errors to my original issue.

In /home/osmc/RetroPie/scripts, the files, retropie.sh, retropie_watchdog.sh and retrosmc-config.cfg all show with a file size of 0. Is this normal?

If I were to download the two scripts to my pc, and re-install after editing the install-retrosmc.sh script, so that it points towards the scripts, would that solve the issue?

Thanks for your on-going help!

As I said, with those errors it cannot work correctly. Please try googeling those tls errors and see if there is a solution.

I never experienced those.

I did install retropie but is there any chance to uninstall everything? and how?

There should be an uninstall option in retropie-setup.sh script.
After that, manually delete the /home/osmc/RetroPie folder and uninstall the launcher addon from kodi.

I was looking at retropie_setup.sh but I didn’t find nothing related to uninstall/remove retripie :frowning:

Probably this helps.

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thanks a lot :wink:

Hi All,

Installed the retrosmc script on my OSMC raspberry pi2 yesterady - works BRILLIANTLY, thanks so much.

Two questions… both relating to updates…

  1. How do I update the OSMC install. Is there a chance it’ll damage the retropie stuff.
  2. How do I update the retropie install. Like above is there a chance it’ll danage the OSMC install.

In general should I do “sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade” from time to time, maybe this covers it !?

Thanks once again.

You can still update osmc with the normal update tool or on commandline:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

To update RetroPie, please run the install script again with binaries installation. Make a backup of any changed config files. Just in case.

Thanks - that’s really helpful - so you’re saying I can update quiet freely and it won’t break.

Great script by the way - worked perfectly first time am enjoying using the pi2 for dual purpose - kodi and retro gaming.

Well. It SHOULD not break anything…
I myself updated osmc for 4 months now with my installation and never had a problem.

If you want to be sure, make backups of your osmc config.

Got it - thanks for that. If I want to be super sure I guess I can take an image of the whole card before any drastic action just in case - the wonder of the Pi, I’ll get my retropie setup up just right first though. Loving the retro gaming aspects. Introduced my son to Super Bomberman SNES today - brill.


For some reason emulation station will not start on my Pi, I’ve tried it via the addon which quits out of Kodi then after 10 seconds or so Kodi loads back up.
When I try to from the command line the following comes up:

osmc@osmc:~$ emulationstation
ERROR - tried to write to log file before it was open! The following won’t be lo gged:
lvl2: EmulationStation - v2.0.1a, built Feb 5 2016 - 01:17:20
ERROR - tried to write to log file before it was open! The following won’t be lo gged:
lvl2: Creating surface…
tvservice-client: Failed to connect to TV service: -1
ERROR - tried to write to log file before it was open! The following won’t be lo gged:
lvl0: Error initializing SDL!

ERROR - tried to write to log file before it was open! The following won’t be lo gged:
lvl0: Renderer failed to initialize!
ERROR - tried to write to log file before it was open! The following won’t be lo gged:
lvl0: Window failed to initialize!
/usr/bin/emulationstation: line 12: 910 Segmentation fault $es_bin “$@”

Any idea’s why?

Do you have hyperion running?


Yes I have Hyperion running and I have put the “HYPERIONFIX=1” in /home/osmc/RetroPie/scripts/retrosmc-config.cfg is there anything else I should change?

Also do you reckon emulationstation will run when a dispmanx VNC session is running?


Please try to disable hyperiond and the vnc server.
Then try again.

I guess that this is your problem.

Got my new 32gb card to start a clean install of osmc and retrosmc. So far, so good. I noticed a lot of improvements in retropie since the last retrosmc (pre-chroot method, 0.005 was it?) that I installed. Very nice!

One minor thing I noticed…in the upper left corner of the install-retrosmc.sh script, the version number is missing. Obviously this is a cosmetic bug but still thought I’d let you know.

Looks like CECFIX=1 isn’t working for me. Bummer.

What exactly is not working?
Does Kodi turn off the tv at shutdown?

You are using the latest version of retrosmc right?

Can you call cec-client from commandline?

Sorry, should have provided details before…

The TV is still turning off when kodi is shutdown during the execution of the retropie startup script.

I am using OSMC 2016.01-2, updated within the past few days. I am using Retrosmc 0.007 installed and run within the past week.

Yes, I am able to call cec-client from the command line.

I doubt it makes a difference but I am calling the script from the OSMC skin home menu…using system.exec(/home/osmc/RetroPie/scripts/retropie.sh)