[HowTo] RetroPie and OSMC: Retrosmc - Retrogaming on OSMC

Forgive my ignorance. Is there a reason this doesn’t work with the Vero 2? I thought it had decently comparable specs to the rPi3.

Cool project either way, even if my Vero won’t work. :slight_smile:

After today’s OSMC update retropie will no longer start, when I try to start it from ssh via the script OSMC restarts and I get “Job for mediacenter.service canceled.”

I’ve tried re-running the install script what should my next steps be ?

Same for me - I only tried the shortcut under OSMC so far (the default one installed by Retrosmc)

Same here too. Last update breaks retropie launcher

Sorry. Wasn’t near a raspberry for the weekend.
Will look into it.


I just followed this guide - https://luetzels.raspiblog.com/?p=1870#more-1870

start from step 3 and got my clones ps3 working. I can now connect 2 clone sticks with no issues.

There are no problems with your scripts, they are working fine.

The reason is a firmware change that can easily be fixed.

In /opt/vc/lib the link from libGLESv1_CM.so → libGLESv2.so was removed and is directed to libGLESv1_CM.so.1

So the basics are:

cd /opt/vc/lib
sudo mv libGLESv1_CM.so libGLESv1_CM.so.old
sudo ln -s libGLESv2.so libGLESv1_CM.so

I’m still a noobie but from what I understand the new firmware link points to nothing so this revert should not cause any issues anywhere else. If that’s not the case please let me know.

nice fix @palla
just had to reverse the ln source destionation,

sudo ln -s libGLESv2.so libGLESv1_CM.so

Thanks, will be fixed in an update of osmc soon.

@joakim_s Yes that’s the way to get it working. Will update my post.


@mcobit brought this to my attention. It does indeed look like we have a symlink that points to a non-existent library. This appears to have been introduced upstream in the Raspberry Pi firmware via the following commit:

@popcornmix says that this is the result of some changes to use the MESA naming scheme for these libraries, and that this was not intended to be pushed just yet.

This is now fixed and I have built and pushed a new firmware with this fix. This should reach your region in about one hour.

Thanks for identifying the issue.


yea found this today… been trying to run thru it.
seems mine was missing libical
so did: sudo apt-get install libical-dev.

Will try this fix so i can test…

After update Emulation station now fires up fine and Everything is working fine except looks like my DS3 controller no longer connects via bluetooth.

I tried reinstalling the driver but I get:

Unable to locate package raspberrypi-kernel-headers

Looks like that’s currently stopping the ability to build the Driver

awesome stuff, thanks for the help. my 2 PS3 Shanwan controllers now work via BT- but the gasia doesnt… guessing cant get both working together?

@mcobit the Dual NES30 Pro 8BitDo Controller Saga (RPi3)

1 - Using Noobs Dual Boot OSMC & Recalbox. Matthuisman build found in place of custom noobs image
Controller 1 (Power), Controller 2 (Power + R1) .OR. (Power + B)
Maps out of the box
Requires a keyboard for initial setup
Updates to Recalbox tend to break… requiring a fresh install

2 - RetroPie
1 controller easy… 2, not so much
Mapping of buttons is WAY off

3 - RetrOSMC
1 controller easy… 2, not so much
Mapping of buttons is WAY off

I will likely stick to 1 above for now as it is working… but will eventually want to get 3 working.

Again… 1 BT 8BitDo controller works just fine… but once a 2nd one is added the mapping goes out the door in RetroArch (in-game). It does not seem to matter what combination of Power Mode Vs Joystick Mode I use on the controllers.

Items Tried Fresh install of OSMC / Retrosmc between each attempt!

Update the controllers firmware using a windows PC to v1.69 or greater


Force a UDEV rule to help recognize 8bitdo controllers

sudo wget https://goo.gl/H2SViY -O /etc/udev/rules.d/99-8bitdo-bluetooth-controllers.rules ;

Heck… Retropie even has a BT controller guide for adding an 8bitdo controller


A few others tried too:

**jboy:**  http://forum.8bitdo.com/thread-475-1-1.html

I have even tried in-Game mapping of the controllers… In-game contorller configure. Hold Select and X
However was not able to get Select and X recognized on a controller in RetroArch/IN-Game at the same time when 2 controllers are paired.

So thanks for all the help Crew… But it for awhile I need a break

and in-case anyone is searching This thread for Load roms/games from NAS/SMB/CIFS/network location…

See post 44 here: Load roms/games from NAS/network location - #44 by Landspeeder

I’m having problems with retrosmc on the latest OSMC versions (I’ve tried a few). It worked fine when I got a raspberry pi (2b+) earlier in the year. Both osmc and retropie.worked perfectly.

I’ve used sd formatter and my SD card Is fine; showing the correct, adequate space.

I’m installing the latest retrosmc using putty/ssh. It does the whole long winded install, I install the launcher… Then when I click it, it causes the raspberry pi to restart.

Any ideas? It worked fine before in tried to upgrade. I haven’t changed anything else. Is this a common problem? Which versions are known to work? Cheers.x

P.s I’ve tried to format/reinstall aout three times now.

No clue. Do you have any logs?
Is there an Error during installation?
Did you update oscm to latest version before installing?
Is there an error when it crashes?

Also, what osmc versions did you test and do you have a different powersupply to test?

I have exactly the same problem when I try to run retropie, it OSMC recovery.
I just do a clean install.

Hi @mcobit

What roughly is size of the download & installation of retrosmc.

Its just that i have a monthly data cap just wondering how much this will use to install.
