Impossible to change static ip in wired connection

Could be somethings about eth driver?
Can I reload the driver o somethings like it?

Have a look at this thread, I think you might find an answer here (even though this is for wifi) - Cannot change static IP address for wireless network connection (WLAN)

Had same issue, a typo in the installer for static IP and was not able to change anything permanently on the network page via the MyOSMC menu. The OK button was ignored.

When was this?

new install with April version.
(after May update I have much much more unpredictable sad faces, but different story, unfortunately there is no simple downgrade way) RPI 3+

Sad faces is likely a bad PSU or SD card. We havenā€™t had other reports of this.


It seems like your SD card may be problematic.

Some SD cards are not genuine or have a lower capacity than advertised. Some simply fail over time.

Symptoms of SD cards not working correctly are:

  • Read-only behaviour, or changes made not persisting
  • A filesystem corruption error

Symptoms of counterfeit SD cards are:

  • Writing works until a certain filesystem size is reached, thereafter, writes seem to cause issues where existing data is lost or newly written data is not preserved.
  • SD card fails after a short amount of time.

Counterfeit cards are usually found on Amazon and eBay.

SD cards have a limited lifespan. I recommend you change SD card and suspect that issues will no longer persist with a good card. If you would like to be a good quality SD card purpose manufactured for OSMC, then you can find one in the Store.

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Your power supply probably isnā€™t up to scratch. You can learn more on our Wiki here: Frequently Asked Questions - Raspberry Pi - OSMC

I will investigate the networking issues this week coming. I think I know what the problems could be. The above two posts should help you with the crashes.


Connmann Say my eth is not supported. I canā€™t use static DHCP ip assignment because the router is not mine.

Hello so do you think my problem is SD and/or power supply?
I have no crush, maybe this is for the other guy.

What commands did you run? Can you paste the output here?


connmanctl services
*AR Wired                ethernet_b827eb3e53f7_cable
*AR sidd1		 wifi_b827eb6b06a2_50726f7454696b32_managed_psk


sudo connmanctl config ethernet_b827eb3e53f7_cable --ipv4 manual
Error ethernet_b827eb3e53f7_cable: Not supported

Sounds very odd. I suggest

  1. Verify whether your sd card is not opened in read-only mode: Follow the advice of @fzinken in post #7, means create a file , write something into it, reboot and check whether the content is still present after boot.

  2. What is the content of the connman settings file for this ethernet if?
    Either paste the content here or use sudo paste-log /var/lib/connman/ethernet_b827eb3e53f7_cable/settings and show us the returned url.

Hello, i already created a new file, edited it and it work after the reboot.

This is the content of the file ā€œsettingsā€


If i chage it after i active the eth from the guy it is modified again with the old ip.


I simply configured my rbp4 to a fix ip outside my dhcp range and the related settings file looks like


Iā€™ve ad-hoc no idea, how these lines like

were created. Did you copy lines from a wifi configuration file?

I suggest you first remove your ethernet configuration like

  1. sudo rm -R /var/lib/connman/ethernet_b827eb3e53f7_cable/ && sync && reboot
  2. After reboot redo your steps in post #33
  3. deactivate the wifi interface of the rbp if not need anymore

I created a virgin sd card for my rbp4 with the OSMC installer specifying a manual wired IP configuration and got the exact same situation not even being able to change anything of the network config within MyOSMC.

The reason is the file /var/lib/connman/osmc.config which contains the network information when the installer was instructed to create the sd card with a manual network configruation. This information will reapplied on every boot and creates these strange settings lines as well.

So, to correct this I suggest (using the WLAN)

  1. sudo rm /var/lib/connman/osmc.config ā€¦ if the ssh session hangs afterwards, reboot the rbp using the OSMC GUI on TV.
  2. sudo rm -R /var/lib/connman/ethernet_b827eb3e53f7_cable/ && sync && reboot
  3. After this reboot redo your steps in post #33 or try the MyOSMC method.
  4. deactivate the wifi interface of the rbp if not need anymore

No i did not copied nothing.
The problem is that connmanctl doenā€™t supporto my eth, canā€™t understand why.

Have you read my last post above?

This worked!
I also created the SD by also specifying the wired IP manually.
A thousand thanks!

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