January update unstable?

The January update installed itself on my RPi2 today and the troubles started.
My setup comprises a Pi2 with a 32G uSD card and a USB connected expansion drive.
I am running TVheadend with a HDHomerun tuner and another USB HD tuner.
All boots up OK and works as before.
However, whenever a demand is made on the USB expansion drive, the system hangs and needs to be powered down to restart it. This occurs after recording or retrieval of a program. Trying to copy a file from Expansion drive to uSD card OR network kills the Pi. Watching a stored video file or recorded program from the Drive kills the Pi.
No errors are written to the logs - it simply freezes! Only about 50MB is read before it dies.
No problems at all before the January update today.
Is there any way to wind back to the December release?

This update consumes more power than the December update.

Please check your power supply

I use a 2.1 Ampere psu.
The expansion drive is independently powered.

Overclock settings?

Standard. No overclocking.
Have tested reading and writing to the uSD as well.
The hang only happens when reading or writing data. The uSD read/write fails at about 200MB, the External drive at about 50MB.

Provide logs.

To get a better understanding of the problem you are experiencing we need more information from you. Please see How to submit a useful support request - General - OSMC for advice on how to help us.

Out of curiosity: why is that?

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Because we are demanding more from the hardware. More CPU cycles needed = more demand for power. Borderline power supplies can be affected by this.

OK. Rebooted. Caused it to hang by trying to copying file from USB disk. Rebooted. Saved all the log files and
copied them into http://paste.osmc.io/oselayiwuf.vhdl

Hope that is OK.

Sanity partially restored by transferring all large file IO to an NFS share. Will see how often it dies with this arrangement.

When the system dies, it does not stop immediately. The load climbs rapidly to over 20 for a short while and then it freezes. “top” records the following before and during a freeze: http://paste.osmc.io/rulakutote.mel

Problem solved.
Downgraded kernel to 4.3.3. All sweetness and light now.

Have the same problem.

USB disk <-- USB HUB with 3.1A/5V <-> RPI <-> Power 2.1A.

Checked with three power supplies and everytime I mounted drive after several minutes of making something, like clicking ls, ls, ls in ssh osmc hanged.

After downgraded to kernel 4.3.3 everything seems to be ok.

I’m noticing the same behavior with an external drive connected to USB Hub. Will see about downgrading kernel.

Latest update seems to have fixed the problem.
Updated and back on 4.4.0 kernel as of this morning with no crashes yet.
Here’s hoping!


Seems I spoke too soon.
OS no longer crashes but kodi now becomes completely unresponsive to commands (keyboard, remote and phone app.) after playing a video for about 5 minutes. The video continues to play but it cannot be stopped or paused.
Only way to regain control is to reboot manually or via ssh.
Have downgraded to kernel 4.3.3 again.
Works OK on downgraded kernel again…

Why not provide logs demonstrating the issue so that some meaningful resolution can be sought? Otherwise your posts here are unnecessary and pointless as this issue is not widespread.

I will compile a new 4.4.1 kernel for Raspberry Pi shortly which you can try


Have you compiled new kernel?
I’m really sick to have outdated software :frowning:
I updated to kodi 16 and new kernel and after few minutes after USB drive is connected (even not mounted) Osmc freeze. Only reboot helps and unfortunately I have nothing saved in logs :frowning:

The new kernel has been out for some time already. You can verify it with uname

I have:
Linux osmc 4.4.1-1-osmc #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Feb 15 01:00:53 UTC 2016 armv7l GNU/Linux and with this kernel I still have the problem.
Is this the newest one?

This is my /boot/config.txt:


As I mentioned my config look like this:

HDMI Amplifier ↔ Rpi2 ↔ USB-HUB with 3.1A/5V ↔ USB drive

I’ve tested so far 3 power adapters: original with rpi logo 2.1, samsung 2A and now I have power adapter from satellite receiver 3A.
Also I changed power adapter for usb-hub to 4A.

What I can say:

  • without USB connected everything is ok
  • after connecting USB device of any type (keyboard too) after few minutes (I think it is about 10 minutes) my Rpi2 freezes.
  • I changed skin - not helped,
  • changed power adapter,
  • tried other USB HDD,
  • tried other USB HUB

I don’t have any logs because journal freezes and don’t save anything special in logs.
I don’t know if there is any way to dump dmesg data after reboot.

I’ll try enable debug logging, maybe it helps, but I don’t know if it will dump log early enough…