Jarvis Update Issue

Hi all!

Been a long time since I pulled my old RPi out (original 512mb one) and wanted to catch up on things.

Really liking what you’ve done with OSMC! Im awaiting my RPi2 to replace my FireStick so thought Id give OSMC a whirl on my older gen first.

I am having a small issue with updating the stable build to RC2 though (all my other Kodis are 16RC2 for the MySQL).

I use the windows installer to install 01-01-2016 and all goes well. SSH in and run:

sudo wget http://paste.osmc.io/raw/alakedayiv -O- | sudo bash

Everything looks fine and at 36% it reboots the Pi.

This is where it hangs on a black screen with:

[ok] Starting Set Time using HTTP query
Starting LSB: Start NTP daemon
[ok] Started LSB: Start NTP daemon
[ok]Reached target Multi-User System
[ok]Reached target Graphical Interface
Starting Update UTMP about System RunLevel Changes...
[ok]Started Update UTMP about System RunLevel Changes.

At this point I also lose SSH access as well.

I attempted this last night using a different SD card and achieved the same. I pulled the power after about 2hrs and it booted into OSMC 15.2 still so the update didn’t ‘take’.

Running the update command again brings errors such as (from memory) “dbpkg failed” and needed to run something like “dpkg --configure -a” to fix and also “rbp1-mediacenter-osmc is partly installed”.

Ive also tried running apt-get update and upgrade before running the update command.

Heres the shell from the fresh install running the command after OSMC’s OOBE and the stock addons have finished updating:


Wondering if Im missing something simple?

I don’t know if this is a Kodi issue but can attempt to grab logs if it helps.

Appreciate any help :slight_smile:

As Jarvis is currently in testing only, please post in that Thread

Doh, apologies, didn’t realize I was in a new topic rather than a reply!