Keys not working on Remote Control


The remote is RF, and light should be visible with the naked eye.

The Information and Context keys are transmitted in a slightly different manner under an alternative input path. When they are not configured properly, these are the most obvious keys that will not work as expected.

You can use OSMC’s amd64 packages if you are running a system that uses systemd (> Ubuntu 14.04 or Debian 8).

sudo dpkg -i *.deb
sudo apt-get -f install

You could also use evtest to verify that the keys themselves are functional, although it would be very surprising if for both remotes these two keys were physically broken and they were the only ones. It seems that the Vero 2 may be misconfigured. You should ensure that:

  • The USB receiver is located in the rear USB port, not the side port, as this will cause problems
  • You do not have a remote profile configured in My OSMC -> Remotes. The OSMC remote is a normal default
  • You are on the latest version of OSMC

The easiest way (if you can make a backup) is to reinstall OSMC.

