Kodi/OSMC crashing, no crash screen, no auto-reboot, no red light


I have a Vero4k+, several years old now.

  • Connected to local network via WiFi
  • Media stored on QNAP NAS, using Windows network (SMB)
  • Vero4k+ connected to Denon receiver HDMI input; Denon HDMI output connected to Samsung TV HDMI input.

Recently, when I go to use Kodi/Vero4k, I turn on my TV to find that it says it has no HDMI signal. Other HDMI inputs on the Denon receiver continue to work correctly.

  • Logs here, https://paste.osmc.tv/igitanonis
  • The last entry in the Kodi log is 2024-07-13 19:42:11.534.
  • The red light is not lit.
  • My router tells me that the Vero4k+ disappeared from WiFi about 14/07/2024 19:05. I confirm the date/time on my router log is accurate.
  • I unplugged (power/HDMI) the Vero4k+ to go connect to my PC monitor for debugging and confirm the Vero4k+ was still warm to touch, indicating it maybe was running/powered?
  • I powered on the Vero4k+ and the very next entry in the log is 2024-07-15 14:01:04.019 (confirm time correct for my local timezone (Brisbane, Australia). This is right now (some minutes ago).

This is happenning frequently now, every day or more often. I am keen for any help which can be provided please.

Karl :slight_smile:

Unfortunately I have the same problem. It started suddenly a few days ago. Disabling autostart of mediacenter.service makes device stable but not usable. Is there any chance to enable os-Logging?



Logs just after crash:


Changed GUI refresh rate to 60 Hz and disabled forced 422 settings.

I’m pretty sure I have OE Logging enabled already, don’t I?

If not, how do I enable it?



to advancedsettings.xml

in /home/osmc/.kodi/userdata.

Changing resolution does not help.

Trying to disable addons…

Ok, i have added loglevel to my advanced settings. My complete advancedsettings.xml file now reads as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

trimmed addons


So you have the exact same problem as OP:

WiFi drops out, DHCP lease not visible under router and turning the TV on produces no signal?

Otherwise I don’t think the issue is related and you are hijacking the thread.

Your issue seems to be that Kodi is crashing; his issue seems to be that he can’t always get a signal from his device.

I’m not sure … sorry if not.

I also have no signal, and network connection is lost because of rebooted Vero 4k+. Circumstances sounded similar, because of repeating reboots. Might only be checked by comparing uptime.

Yesterday I changed DHCP-ip-address for vero, but unfortunately it did only help for a certain time.

stress - test on vero do not reboot it.

I don’t see anything about OP rebooting.

Hello :slight_smile:

My issue doesn’t seem to be related to rebooting. It’s as if the unit immediately turns off and the logs stop for no reason that I can identify. As there is no hdmi signal and it is no longer connected to my router, I assume it’s off.

Happy to do whatever testing you want Sam :slight_smile:


Have you seen it happen in front of you or is it more that when you come back to the device it doesn’t power on?

I “think” I have seen it happen once, it was just instant off, like the hdmi/power was unplugged.

Let me check again next time it does it, and I will unplug just the hdmi cord to see if th tv says no signal or something else.

Maybe it is still outputting a signal that the tv doesn’t like, but this wouldn’t explain why it drops off the network.

Hoping it helps shed some more light on this issue, may I add I’ve had something very similar happen to one of my four 4K+s? The main difference is my Veros are hard wired to my network but otherwise it sounds like an almost identical set up and problem. If I should open a fresh issue though, I’ll be happy to do so.
Twice over the last two weeks (last one just now) I’ve switched the TV on to find this particular Vero unavailable (shown grey on the list of HDMI inputs). When it’s in this state it’s unreachable via ssh. No red light, no HDMI output (or anything my TV recognises) - just sat there. Recycling power restores normal operation. I assume providing logs would be problematic as presumably they’re overwritten on power up.
My other three Veros are behaving OK.

All my Veros are running OSMC May 2024.05-1; Media is on a QNAP NAS using SMB; the TV is an LG OLED55G3.

Ok; my Vero4k+ has been stable all night. I’ll leave it on like normal and check back today and see how it is going.

If it faults again, perhaps I will hard-wire it to the LAN network and see if it is stable then.

Sadly not, just a few datapoints with quite different setups.

It just makes it harder to parse all of this, which is why I usually like separate threads unless it is a related issue.

I’m sure we can work this out, but it’ll take a bit of untangling



I created a new profile with less addons and still got the same boot loops when starting watch movies. I replaced the PSU yesterday and the boot loops disappeared for about 12h now. Rotating PSU would be worth to try…

I do have a second power supply I can try, but your boot looping is behaving quite different from my fault. My unit turns off (or whatever it is doing) and does not reboot.

My Kodi has not faulted in about 24h now. I’ll keep monitoring.

Sam, let me know if you find anything in my logs or want me to test something :slight_smile:

Ok - sorry for muddying the water. If it develops into a problem for me I’ll start a new thread.

Hi Sam :slight_smile:

It happened ago a few days ago so i uploaded the logs and posted a message here, but the message is gone, so maybe I didn’t post it properly.

Anyway, it faulted again overnight, so i power cycled the Vero4k+ and before it got to the main Kodi screen, it faulted again. So i rebooted again and it started up, i went to MyOSMC and clicked to upload the logs, it started and then the unit faulted again. So i restarted again, and successfully uploaded the logs this time. Hopefully there is plenty of infomation in there since it happeend a few times in a row!


Karl :slight_smile: