@DBMandrake @sam_nazarko Thanks both for your feedback and I will explain the conditions again and clarify few things. This will again help to understand the situation and find a fix.
1: My Samsung Smart TV remote (Appendix 1) is a bluetooth remote which ALSO got the universal remote control functionality which can be configured via the TV interface to support devices when I select the source accordingly
2: As per my initial post, via TV setup I have configured HDMI1 to have my Foxtel IQ3 box and selected the remote to act as an universal remote which programmed to Foxtel IQ BOX (Appendix 2)
3: As per my initial post, via TV setup I have configured HDMI2 to have my VERO4K box and selected the remote to act as an universal remote which programmed to XBOX 360
4: Note that as per point #3 TV do have the ability to select and program the Smart Remote as an IR remote (This as be VF as well and I am not sure). This is why I can select XBOX ONE option via the TV and also XBOX 360 profile as OSMC supports them
5: Whenever I select the Universal remote option via the TV, I do have the ability to TURN the CEC OFF for connected sources and I have done this.
6: I did replace my remote batteries with new batteries yesterday
7: Via the HDMI source 1 which connected to the FOXTEL Box all working fine as Universal remote mode and FOXTEL box is controlled via the TV remote and CEC IS OFF
8: Given I programmed my TV smart remote to mimic XBOX ONE first, then I went to OSMC and loaded the XBOX
ONE config and TV interface for some test called Power Test and when hit the “Power Test” button from the TV screen I can see the OSMC BOX turning off (RED LED Colour) and this mean Remote is sending correct IR signals (Or RF) and only issue is lagging. I promise that 100% this setup was working prior to MAY update
9: Given above point #8 got lagging after the May Update then I configure the TV smart remote to mimic XBOX 360 , then I went to OSMC and loaded the XBOX 360 config and TV interface for some test called Power Test and when hit the “Power Test” button from the TV screen I can see the OSMC BOX turning off (RED LED Colour) and this mean Remote is sending correct IR signals (Or RF) and only issue is lagging
Explanation on the successful test on Stock Remote:
As @DBMandrake highlighted this is the key and what I also can’t explain. When I used stock old TV remote, first I went to OSMC and load the Samsung TV config and given this is different remote came with one of my old TVs, I can’t control my Smart TV with this remote. I just used this remote to see any issues with my env. setup / light issue and other things DBMandrake informed me to check and all was working fine.
10: This can conclude that my env. not changed and whatever happening now happening way my Universal TV remote sending commands to the VERO4K
11: Also we can’t complain the universal TV remote as my FOXTEL Box connected to HDMI 1 working in the universal mode without any issues
12: This point is KEY. I got the same setup above in my downstairs RUMPS room. SAME TV / SAME REMOTE / SAME FOXTEL IQ3 BOX / SAME VERO4K BOX / SAME HDMI SETUP. All above symptoms replicated in this new setup as well and this setup also stop working post the MAY Update and lagging is experienced after the fix issued.
Hope this will give a big clarity and I can do a simple thing to showcase issue is with the MAY Update. If one of you can guide me with steps to install VERO4K April update that will show all will start to work and I am happy to be a ginny pig and install serious of small incremental releases if applicable to find the problem.
As per my resolved post I really love the setup I got and having one remote control my boxes and if you can help me to come back to that state I will appreciate it lot. I know I am just a one user and you guys got million other priorities but kindly think about of my situation and this humble request.
Appendix 1: Tv / Remote Picture and Details
TV Model:
SAMSUNG SUHD TV - KS8000 - 60’’
Remote Model: (Images attached)
Appendix 2: Video Clip of how the Universal remote configured via the Tv and how it will be used to control the Foxtel Box
Link to the TV and Remote Manuel:
Found the link to downgrade and install April VERO4K update and I will do this soon as well.