Load roms/games from NAS/network location

Thanks @fzinken & @Toast
In regards to rc.local, I will wipe that out. I was following:

Instead of rc.local I will alter fstab when next home as per

Using (sudo nano /etc/fstab)
// /home/osmc/roms cifs nobrl,uid=1000,sec=ntlmv2,user= guestread,pass= MyRealPass,noauto,x-systemd.automount 0 0

I believe I need to confirm the uid via
sudo id osmc

Where do I keep the symlink for tying the /osmc/roms folder to /osmc/RetroPie/roms? Just after the fstab mount?
ln -s /home/osmc/roms /home/osmc/RetroPie/roms

Thanks again!