Lock Preferences for SMB

I’ve even got it set up for guest shares, so in theory, anyone with the WPA2 should be able to access the shares with no login.

Then smbclient -L -U admin and then give admin password

That delivers the same error.

The only reason I’m trying to run the drives from the router is that they were usb powered and would frequently stop mid-movie when connected to the pi directly. Maybe I should just buy a powered usb hub to go straight into the pi and share from there to yatse and bypass all of this?

That would have been my next question, why the router? You can share better the drive from the Pi.
So either get a proper power supply for the Pi or better as you wrote a power USB Hub.

Than all your issues should be gone, while I still find it very strange that the smbclient can not see the shares while your PC can.

It’s especially strange since it worked one minute and then didn’t the next. I’ll try throwing some money at the problem. Thank you so very much for all of the help!

Power supplies for routers can be less than one amp (sometimes as little as 0.5 amp), so probably fine for a flash drive but might be too little for a spinning disk. Some 3G/4G dongles can also draw a lot of power.