You can install the Plex add-on and use that until you get a regular library sorted. As for browsing smb shares that is not possible with SMB 3 due to security related changes over the years. A good place to start would be to read through this thread and if you get stuck just ask a more specific question on where exactly your getting stuck.
Alternatively, there is a bit of a workaround that will let you browse with kodi links but it is only much of a benefit if you have a lot of individual sources. This method is to add your source device/s in a special file manually. You would ssh into your Vero and…
nano .kodi/userdata/passwords.xml
and then enter the following with your own information…
<from pathversion="1">smb://</from>
<to pathversion="1">smb://user%20name:password@</to>
To save and exit out of this you ctrl-x, y, then press enter. This adds your credentials for the machine your pulling the files from. If you have any spaces in your username they must be replaced by “%20” as shown above. You then need one more file…
nano .kodi/userdata/mediasources.xml
In this one you will need…
<location id="2">smb://</location>
Then ctrl-x, y, enter, type “reboot” and hit enter. If you entered your information correctly you will then have a browsable path to that computer.