MKV file plays on one OSMC Vero 4k+ but not another

If you would like to test Kodi v21 now, I can provide some instructions


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So I won’t be able to upgrade to v21 via the normal update process ?

If that’s the case then some instructions would be great - thanks.

Yes, you can update via the normal process, but it’s not been released yet as a stable update.

OK can you let me know how I do the upgrade then please ?

See [TESTING] Kodi v21 release builds. Keep in mind it is a test build.

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Thanks Sam and tanio99

Having read the v21 FAQs and thread, I’m going to hold off upgrading to v21 until it’s released as a stable upgrade. Our two Vero 4k boxes are our main media players and the potential issues upgrading to v21 outweigh the benefits at this stage. At the end of the day our only issue has been with a single MKV file out of 500+ titles.

Thanks again for you support and hopefully v21 will be released as a stable upgrade soon. Is there an ETA by any chance ?

It depends on the release of Kodi v21.1. But there is no firm ETA from Team Kodi at this time.

We like to release when there is a stable point release as this usually fixes a lot of initial bugs.

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