MKV Files buffering RPi3

Have been seeing this issue for a while. My Rpi3 plays AVI files fine. But when i play 720p MKV files they buffer a ton. Makes shows unwatchable. I know the files are good, plays great in Kodi on my Android tablet. Is there a codec or something i need here? All files on NAS device. Connected via wireless. Latest version of OSMC installed. Any ideas would be great. Thanks.

I suspect your wireless connection is causing this. The RPi3 built in wireless is not very good.

Depending on how the files are encoded, you may need to purchase the hardware decoders from

I tried adding usb wireless for 5ghz support and could not get it to install. Used one on supported list. So i have been limping along with the built in. Maybe if i get that running. But the AVI files are fine, so i would guess the wireless is not that bad. I would think if wireless was the culprit i would see this regardless the file type.

Which decoder would i need for 720p mkv files? H264 ac3 is what the files are i think.

It would be good if we could find out more about the file you are having issues playing. Please see the mediainfo section in How to submit a useful support request - General - OSMC

And if you could, either connect the Pi with wired network, or copy one of the problem files to a USB drive and play it locally on the Pi.

Media Info for the file here…

Will try the USB copy and see how that pans out. Wired is not an option (until i get some data drops run in the house…).

Ok, codecs will not help with this file, so the next step would be to try the file on a USB drive and see if it plays smoothly.

Plays great with the USB, so we can narrow down to the wireless. If the internal Wireless is not great, then the only other option is to add a different Wireless connection. I purchased a TP-Link Archer T1U (AC450) USB adapter a while back.

TP Wireless AC450

I could never get it to recognize this adapter (and to shut off the internal wireless) It keeps coming back on. Any ideas on how to get this adapter recognized and working in RPi3?

Looks like you’re out of luck with this model of wireless dongle. Wireless Option not appearing on OSMC Software


Have you tried video caching?

Thanks Tom.

Thanks. It does appear that way. On to a supported dongle…

Thanks Tom. I will give that a shot now. Just ordered the official OSMC wireless dongle so i am guessing that will have better support and get me on 5Ghz.

Tom, caching was a no go…same issue. Going to try supported OSMC dongle and see if that works.

Ok, good luck!