Multichannel audio incorrectly mapped

No. The update has that conf file by default.


The Stretch update should be released within the next 24 hours.

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BWAHAHAHA, kewl. Was familiar with the whole pulseaudio driver issues, etc. so the first thing I thought of was a new audio driver.

The update has now been released.

If one had been on the Stretch test build until now, will the update also show up?
Just manually let my Vero check for updates: nothing. Or did the update install without me noticing (version is 2017.12-1)?

2017.12-1 is the newly released version. It sounds like you are still on stretch-devel. As advised in the Stretch testing thread, you probably want to switch back to stretch, unless you want to stay on the bleeding edge.

Oh, I obviously missed something thereā€¦ :thinking:

This is what my sources.list looks like:

deb stretch main contrib non-free

deb stretch-updates main contrib non-free

deb stretch/updates main contrib non-free

deb stretch main

Isnā€™t that correct?

Yes, so it sounds like you updated your device after we pushed it to release.
From what you had described, I thought you had updated to 2017.12-1 some time ago, but it seems this isnā€™t the case.

2017.12-1 is the latest version, so you are up to date.

Ok, sweet! Canā€™t remember any update happening though. Strange :face_with_raised_eyebrow::joy:

But doesnā€™t matter, if all is correct. :+1:t2:

Your device must have updated for you to get the 2017.12-1 update.
Logs can show timestamps if you have issues.


Seems it mustā€™ve done it automatically on its own, yepā€¦ I didnā€™t press any OK button for it :see_no_evil:
There donā€™t seem to be issues. Wouldnā€™t even have noticed, if I didnā€™t try checking for an update manually without success. :wink:

OSMC will never update itself without your consent.

This has been discussed before. See Update killed me - #3 by sam_nazarko.

If you donā€™t acknowledge the update, it will not install itself. If you are concerned, the logs will tell the whole story.


Well, then my memory is starting to fail me :astonished: Too young for it to start happening :see_no_evil:

Itā€™s happening to me too. Perhaps itā€™s the weather.

Now I rememberā€¦ There was an update a few days ago. And I had changed stretch-devel to stretch already some time ago.

Well, doesnā€™t help too much to dig, if the memory just stays frozen and grey - like the weather. It surely seems to be that. Or too much reading in the forum. Confusing other peopleā€™s issues with own ones :joy:

Initial release of 2017.12-1 was on 31st Dec.
If you were on devel, you would have got it straight away.


So, my brain seems to be working again. Thanks! :+1:t2::joy:

5.1 is still being output as 7.1 pcm. This is as expected or was it supposed to be fixed in this release? Thanks.

This is expected and not a ā€œbugā€ in the way of all the other issues that were discussed hereā€¦ The audio sink can either open 2 or 8 channels for audio and therefore all audio that has more than 2 channels will be output with 8 channels opened (and filled up with blank channels, if needed).

@sam_nazarko suggested that it might be looked into sometime, but itā€™s not a high priority, I believe, and also depends on the vendor, AMLogic, to do some of the work.

Thanks for clearing that up.