Multichannel audio incorrectly mapped

Oh lol I control+f’d for “multichannel” without the hyphen :grimacing:

Easily done.

Hi Sam,

I installed the September update and 5.1 is still being output as 7.1. I did not notice any difference in behavior to the August release. Also when playing some AAC files there was a really loud noise output. Stopping and restarting usually remedied this.



Hello Jason,

That’s expected. This thread was not originally created to solve such an issue and we have a bit of feature creep there. It is however being worked on.
I’m thinking of reverting the improvements made until we have further feedback, as I think there has been a misunderstanding of some of the issues that we are trying to solve.


Ok Sam, your the boss.

It’s being worked on. In a way – I’m glad you didn’t notice a difference in behaviour (means things are working as expected).

Can you try updating and seeing if that’s gone now?


Unfortunately this is back to the incorrect behavior with the latest release. Here are my logs. My AML-M8AUDIO.conf after installing the September update doesn’t match the one you sent me to test before. After following those instructions and installing the recommended AML-M8AUDIO.conf it is back to working properly.

Sigh, I’m so sick of hearing these test files…

When did you update?

We reverted a couple of hours ago because some users reported that the new configuration provides worse results than the one distributed since July.

So until we reach a concensus, it’s back to the old one. Far fewer people seem to have experienced issues with the older one than the newer one and it certainly seems we need more testing, and that perhaps the changes proposed before weren’t tested thoroughly enough.

The instructions above will remain working, but I’d really like to work out what’s wrong for good, and why this was missed despite a good chunk of testers.


Maybe 30 minutes before I wrote that post

Can you elaborate?

Yes – we’ve reverted, so you’re on an older version

As such, we’ve reverted the changes and we’ll be looking for more thorough testing in the future before introducing any further changes to the current audio implementation for Vero 4K

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I also have similar experience as the other posters. Just posting to confirm another person has this issue (and this is important to me to be fixed).

The workaround here seems to fit my use cases. But on occasion I get loud hiss through my rear/side speakers in my 5.1 setup when OSMC is set to 7.1 and I play back a 5.1ch audio stream (this should work just fine).

@dwalme, thx for sharing!

It’s good to contribute, if the audio mapping is also affecting you as the priorities of the OSMC crew seem to rely on how many people want a problem fixed. This issue isn’t as “loudly” pushed as others atm… :see_no_evil:

This issue is hard to notice unless you’re listening to a lot of discrete multichannel audio like surround sound music, but even then you probably won’t notice it unless you already know what the correct channel mapping should sound like. I really hope this can get resolved ASAP as it’s an established, reproducible, serious issue for a media player like this.

It’s been a while since I looked at this, so let’s try and get it resolved.

In September, we reverted the updated channel map because of some complaints. However it seems like it does make sense to use this new channel layout.

I remember @f0o reported some problems with the changes but I haven’t heard from him since he reverted.

We need to talk to some of the users who had problems post update and work out why before we can reinstate this by default. For now the current workaround above will continue working however


Wow, just wow. I thought you were taking this seriously. Disappointed.

I pinged some of the affected users in September, but only one user provided a log, and there wasn’t enough information to go on.

Until I have that further information, we can’t push any updates to the channel map layout. Because we will get the same responses again.

Can you at least confirm whether the improvements work well for you?

I installed 2017.10-1 (didn’t touch any of the ALSA config files after installing) and the channel layout is still correct on all of my test files. I did get the horrible static when playing back the 5.1 AAC file but a reboot fixed that. Unfortunately I didn’t have debug logging turned on but will capture logs when I notice it again since it happened every time I played the same file until a reboot.

Thanks for clarifying.

As explained to you in PM, the problem isn’t that I can’t reproduce this issue here; nor that the updated channel map doesn’t fix the issue.

Rather – after pushing it, it was found that it caused problems for other users. We can’t break audio for other users; so this is why we are still shipping this version. You can of course manually apply the fix suggested above for now, and when a fix is included in OSMC the update system will update the file accordingly.

For now – I need to get more information from the other users who had problems with the updated channel layout, but not the old one.

Thanks for your understanding.


As I’ve been in the loop with these issues the whole time, too, I can just say that I never got a message to test this or that… From next week on, I can help testing as well. Maybe we should establish a procedure of which file formats should be tested in which specific configuration. Then logs can be provided and we can help get this resolved.
I’m a bit disappointed, too. I had read before that “users with problems were PMed”, but I have never got any notice. And nothing has happened since the not-so-amazingly tested fix has been retracted in September.

You were not PM’ed because you didn’t report a problem with the updated channel map.
I don’t need testing from people that aren’t having issues with it; I need testing from people that do, as well as some logs.
