MySQL empty DB after Krypton Update

This update seems to have nuked my entire library. I have checked that the sources are there. I have checked that the OSMC settings still contain my shared mysql database info, but all I get on the Movies or TV Shows menu is:

Your library is currently empty.  In order to populate it with your personal media, enter "Files" section, add a media source and configure it.  After the source has been added and indexed you will be able to browse your library.

Well, same thing a day later.

Can I somehow re-initiate the library upgrade? Or, FFS, DO I HAVE TO START AGAIN?

This happened last time there was a major version upgrade.


I have moved your post as the announcement thread is not to post individual issues.

  1. Check if your new databases have been created (Numbers to be checked here
  2. If the new database has been created but is empty but the old database is still having all items then:
  • shutdown all your Kodi clients
  • delete the new databases
  • power on a single Kodi Client and wait for the database upgrade to finish

New Thread…

In reference to this:

Can I re-initiate the database upgrade, which seems to have gone wrong, or do I have to re-image the SD card?


Here is the initial post:

This update seems to have nuked my entire library. I have checked that the sources are there. I have checked that the OSMC settings still contain my shared mysql database info, but all I get on the Movies or TV Shows menu is:

Your library is currently empty.  In order to populate it with your personal media, enter "Files" section, add a media source and configure it.  After the source has been added and indexed you will be able to browse your library.

Well, same thing a day later.

Can I somehow re-initiate the library upgrade? Or, FFS, DO I HAVE TO START AGAIN?

This happened last time there was a major version upgrade.


Try checking the “Wait for network” option in MyOSMC’s Network settings.
Might be, that kodi is loading too fast for your databaseserver to respond.

I have merged the two threads, please don’t post the same issue in different parts of the forum.

That happen because I moved @daave entry from Announcement into a new thread while at same moment he had create a new one because he saw my earlier complain

Apologies, I just saw that you’d split the thread and then read a duplicate.

I have figured out the problem. The first time I ran this upgrade, I lost the HDMI connection and rebooted the machine via ssh after several minutes. It looks like that stopped the database migration mid-way, because…

I am running the same upgrade again on a different install and the database migration is taking OVER 30 MINUTES!

This happened last time I did a major version upgrade. This database query is taking AGES to run. Last time this happened, months (years?) ago, I posted a simple fix to add an index to the database that would make this migration run in SECONDS.

-- Connection Id: 756
-- User: raspbmc
-- Host: 192.x.x.x:50708
-- DB: MyVideos107
-- Command: Query
-- Time: 1922
-- State: Copying to tmp table
SELECT episode.idShow, MAX(episode.c09) FROM episode LEFT JOIN streamdetails ON streamdetails.idFile = episode.idFile AND streamdetails.iStreamType = 0 WHERE episode.c09 <> streamdetails.iVideoDuration OR streamdetails.iVideoDuration IS NULL GROUP BY episode.idShow

Think of the person who was too lazy to understand/add the index to the database. How many kodi users are there? A thousand? Tens of thousands? A million? That person has wasted that many times (as I type this the query is still running and has taken) 36 minutes so far… of human lives!

Hopefully not directed at me. I am not a developer or coder but I do understand what you are saying. I did post on the Kodi forums last time referencing the old thread but you know how second hand reports are. Best to pursue this on the Kodi forums to have any notice taken.

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