Need help with FSTAB

I am trying to connect my NAS WD My Cloud Mirror to Vero4K via FSTAB.

I can conect through osmc gui Network file system (NFS)
But have problems with FSTAB (full logs is below)

The best what has happend is like this:
osmc@osmc:~$ cd /mnt/HD/HD_a2/Public/Transmission
-bash: cd: /mnt/HD/HD_a2/Public/Transmission: No such device
osmc@osmc:~$ ls
Movies Music Pictures TV Shows
osmc@osmc:~$ sudo mount /mnt/HD/HD_a2/Public/Transmission
mount.nfs: an incorrect mount option was specified
osmc@osmc:~$ sudo mount /mnt/Public/Transmission
mount: can’t find /mnt/Public/Transmission in /etc/fstab

Here is my log:

The directory does not exist and needs to be created before it can be mounted.

Your fstab entry is: /mnt/HD/HD_a2/Public/Transmission nfs x-systemd.automount,noatime,noauto,nfsver=3 0 0

which means that on your NAS you are sharing a directory called /nfs. Is this correct?


Could you please provide the out of:

showmount -e

Thanks Tom.

The directory "Transmission " exist on my NAS WD My cloud Mirror. There is a lot of movies.

“which means that on your NAS you are sharing a directory called /nfs. Is this correct?”

I am tring to share directory called “Transmission” ,not “/nfs”
I am really beginer so maybe there is mistake in my Fstab entry. I am not sure about it.

osmc@osmc:~$ showmount -e
Export list for
/mnt/HD/HD_b2/Diskas2 *
/mnt/HD/HD_a2/Public *
/mnt/HD/HD_b2/Muzika *


Try this:

sudo mkdir /mnt/Transmission

Update the fstab entry to: /mnt/Transmission nfs x-systemd.automount,noatime,noauto,nfsver=3 0 0

Then try:

sudo mount /mnt/Transmission

If you get any error messages, please post the output.

Then if you:

ls /mnt/Transmission

You should see your movies.

Thanks Tom.

Thanks everybody very much for your support. It is really fast and and informative.
I tried to do according your advice. This is what I get: (full logs just in case: )

osmc@osmc:~$ showmount -e
Export list for
/mnt/HD/HD_b2/Diskas2 *
/mnt/HD/HD_a2/Public *
/mnt/HD/HD_b2/Muzika *
osmc@osmc:~$ sudo nano /etc/fstab
osmc@osmc:~$ sudo mkdir /mnt/Transmission
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/mnt/Transmission’: File exists
osmc@osmc:~$ sudo mount /mnt/Transmission
mount.nfs: an incorrect mount option was specified
osmc@osmc:~$ ls /mnt/Transmission
osmc@osmc:~$ sudo mount /mnt/Transmission
mount.nfs: an incorrect mount option was specified
osmc@osmc:~$ ls /mnt/Transmission
osmc@osmc:~$ showmount -e
Export list for
/mnt/HD/HD_b2/Diskas2 *
/mnt/HD/HD_a2/Public *
/mnt/HD/HD_b2/Muzika *
osmc@osmc:~$ grab-logs -f -J
Logs successfully uploaded.
Logs available at

I am not sure, but looks that I can not connect with FSTAB…


Ok lets try removing some of the mount flags in the fstab entry, please try: /mnt/Transmission nfs x-systemd.automount,noauto 0 0

Thanks Tom.

I tried and this is what i get:
osmc@osmc:~$ sudo nano /etc/fstab
osmc@osmc:~$ sudo mount /mnt/Transmission
mount: /etc/fstab: parse error at line 3 – ignored
mount: can’t find /mnt/Transmission in /etc/fstab
osmc@osmc:~$ sudo mount -a
mount: /etc/fstab: parse error at line 3 – ignored
osmc@osmc:~$ grab-logs -f -J
Logs successfully uploaded.
Logs available at

The line should be this: /mnt/Transmission nfs x-systemd.automount,noauto 0 0
There was a space too much :wink: Please try again without that space…

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@Ariux apoligies for the typo

@Chillbo good spot

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Thanks very much, finaly it works :slight_smile:
Just trying to understand what space it was too much in first try? /mnt/Transmission nfs x-systemd.automount, noauto 0 0 /mnt/Transmission nfs x-systemd.automount,noauto 0 0

Can not understan the difference between above lines? :wink:

Anyway thanks, I feel almoust “expert” now with your help :wink:


There shouldn’t have been a space between automount,noauto, my bad. Glad to hear its working now.

Thanks Tom.

Awesome that it’s working now! :slightly_smiling_face:

Just out of curiosity… Did you look into this wiki entry before setting up your FSTAB mount:

Configuring fstab based NFS share mounts ?

My bigist mistake wasthat I probably didn’t read until the end this sentence:
please use the following command to find the correct export path for your NAS (if it’s NOT /nfs):

showmount -e IP_of_your_NAS

I always begin with and so on

We added that note at the end now based on it not having been clear enough before (the showmount -e IP_of_your_NAS part wasn’t there before).
Where did you copy your FSTAB line from? It’s just out of curiosity to see what could be improved to make the guide/problem solving more straight forward.

Before I post you I tried a lot of Fstab lines from this forum.
I followd and this disscussion today and tried advice of
Fstab automount broken?

Oh, ok… So the wiki entry didn’t show up when you were looking for help and wasn’t it accessible easily enough for you?

It has been created just some weeks ago, so a lot of NFS FSTAB lines discussed here on the forum might be misleading or are also based on try and error by other users. We’d like the wiki entry to give a basic guideline to avoid any try and error…

Hope the last quescion what is not really not clear until the end to me :slight_smile:
Folowing Configuring fstab based NFS share mounts
it is is written:

"if everything is fine, you can add the NFS mount as a media source to Kodi. The path were the NFS mounts are found will always be this one:


SO do I understand good, that then I enter (in my case):
sudo mount /mnt/Transmission
ls /mnt/Transmission

And when I see all my files in share folder (in my case Trasmission) through SSH.

So next step:
I have to go to GUI of OSMC and through Network file system (NFS) add my share (Transmission). But how can I be sure that it is really conected using FSTAB , but not regular NFS share method?

This is what I do not understand? Is any way to check?
A little bit confusing, because befoure I entered correct FSTAB line, I anyway could see my share “Transmission” through GUI OSMC Network file system (NFS)

Oh, I see your confusion :joy: You don’t add the mounts via NFS in the GUI, but you add the path /mnt/Transmission as a local path to your media sources/library. Adding it as NFS via the GUI wouldn’t use FSTAB - if it was the whole wiki entry wouldn’t be necessary in the first place :yum: