New installation fails on websocket

I have a brand new installation on a Pi2 using OSMC_TGT_rbp2_20180805.img
The Pi2 is wired to the network for now, i am using the HTML interface and not HDMI.

Once I got in using SSH, I did update, dist-upgrade and reboot. Now OSMC is on Chorus 2.4.4 and Kodi 17.6

In the webbrowser (on Chrome, IE W10 and Safari) I have indentified two issues:

  • “Websocket failed to connect” errors.
  • Unable to add new AddOns.

Based on search, I tried to change the websocket port from 9090 (default) to 80 and to 8080 without solving my issues.

dmesg doesn’t show any problems

tail -f kodi.log shows the following after i did “tvservice --off” as I don’t have HDMI connected:

06:47:06.979 T:1766847232 ERROR: CecLogMessage - Open - vc_cec could not be initialised
06:47:06.979 T:1766847232 ERROR: CecLogMessage - could not open a connection (try 8)
06:47:07.979 T:1766847232 ERROR: CecLogMessage - RegisterLogicalAddress - CEC is being used by another application. Run “tvservice --off” and try again.
06:47:07.979 T:1766847232 ERROR: CecLogMessage - Open - vc_cec could not be initialised
06:47:07.980 T:1766847232 ERROR: CecLogMessage - could not open a connection (try 9)
06:47:08.980 T:1766847232 ERROR: CecLogMessage - RegisterLogicalAddress - CEC is being used by another application. Run “tvservice --off” and try again.
06:47:08.980 T:1766847232 ERROR: CecLogMessage - Open - vc_cec could not be initialised
06:47:08.980 T:1766847232 ERROR: CecLogMessage - could not open a connection (try 10)
06:47:09.980 T:1758458624 ERROR: OpenConnection - could not opening a connection to the CEC adapter
06:47:09.984 T:1766847232 ERROR: CecLogMessage - could not start CEC communications

where should i look next?

The CEC errors are unrelated. How did you actually enable the web interface? I’m not certain it’s enabled by default. Kodi is not designed to be configured headlessly.

I didn’t enable it, worked out of the box after first boot

Then providing complete set of logs is the next step in the troubleshooting process.

here is the pastebin link to the kodi.log and kodi.old.log :

I have removed all lines with "
06:47:08.980 T:1766847232 ERROR: CecLogMessage - Open - vc_cec could not be initialised
06:47:08.980 T:1766847232 ERROR: CecLogMessage - could not open a connection (try 10)
06:47:09.980 T:1758458624 ERROR: OpenConnection - could not opening a connection to the CEC adapter
06:47:09.984 T:1766847232 ERROR: CecLogMessage - could not start CEC communications"
in it

The Chorus 2 web interface provides only a subset of Kodi functions. Maintaining add-ons doesn’t seem to be possible in Chorus 2 and needs to be done via the main Kodi interface.

The “Websocket failed to connect” message is a known issue, but doesn’t seem to affect the functioning of the interface.

Switching off CEC can be done via the main Kodi interface. See Disable CEC. Again, I don’t think this is possible via Chorus 2.

I’m a little surprised you’re saying that the default web interface port is 9090. I did a fresh installation of build 2018.07 and it was on port 80.

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If you want to run it headless I suggest to install vncserver to control via vnc