No Internet (eth0 or WiFi)

Also can’t you connect via Wifi to change the MAC of the Ethernet?

I’m trying but for some reason both devices are now not connecting via wifi. so i’m unable to do that.

i can try the terminal on device method. how do i boot into terminal?

Just after you have booted choose “Exiit” from Power Menu and press ESC brings you to the login.

Details regarding how to access the command line interface can be found here on our Wiki: Accessing the command line - General - OSMC

Sorry, maybe this is all looked at, most of your output is from WLAN, which works but slow.

what is the output of when you only connected to LAN.

cat /etc/resolv.conf

as you mentioned it was pointing to your router. In my situation it’s pointing to the defined DNS servers in my router.

True, while I asked commands during Ethernet connections they were provided on WLAN.

In your router LAN config for DHCP you pointed to DNS Proxy, can you show us what is defined in there?

Are there other devices in your network that are wired only?

Hi @mtv

my router is configured for DHCP, however I do have all of my permanently connected devices (TV, servers, vero, etc) using static IP. all my permanently connected devices are connected via wired (only mobile phones are on WLAN. and all devices on wired use static IP.

in terms of DNS i have tried using the ISP specificied DNS as well as google (, and am currently using OpenDNS.

my ipaddress remains unchanged whether I use WLAN or Ethernet as i have them static. i only have one connected a t a time, and turn the other off. i never have them both connected.

@fzinken - i am trying to get into command line with a keyboard connected, however when i select Exit from the power Menu the vero freezes and does nothing.

Is it still reachable via SSH at that moment?

just to get a better view,

the dhcp range is -
do you use dhcp binding to have the same IP address for the permanenty devices, as you mentioned static ip? (just to make clear that the use the IP range you’ve set?

you mention you use lan or wlan on vero, not both at the same time, but we need to have output provided on lan only to see where things seems to be getting wrong

I finally managed to get in. Changed the mac address of the ethernet adaptor. Turned the WLAN off. And tried to ping

Request times out

45 packets sent 100% loss

now you’ve only a lan

please provide:
ip addr
ip ro
cat /etc/resolv.conf

That DNS server address is correct. My router is at, and I have a raspberry Pi running pi hole as my DNS. However changing my router DNS to google makes no difference

Can you run ifconfig once more and show the output?

Also arp -an

Send to be using DHCP now. IP address is

Results of arp -an

Can you confirm 54:83:3a:12:fc:c0 is the MAC of the Ethernet Bridge on your router>
Also odd that MAC of the Raspberry is not resolved.