No video on HDMI after power cycle on RPi

Is this by design or otherwise possible to reconfigure?

I had a power outage yesterday early morning, so the OSMC (RPi3) box restarted without the TV being switched on.

When I later yesterday wanted to view content via Kodi I switched the TV on and then selected HDMI2 where it is connected. But no image appeared and the TV reported no signal.
But the RPi3 was running and could be connected to via PuTTY.

The only remedy I could think of was to power cycle the RPi with the TV set to the RPi HDMI input. And this made Kodi come up as normal.

Then tonight there were two short power outages again and the Kodi output is again missing.

So I wonder about this, must the HDMI output of the RPi be connected to a powered on TV with that input selected in order for the display to get active if the RPi power cycles?

Is there a setting that can make the HDMI output always work?

hdmi_force_hotplug=1 IIRC add this to config.txt.

Well, two things happened after I added the line to config.txt:

  1. When I turned on the TV and selected the HDMI input a Kodi image of bad quality appeared.
  2. Kodi did not respond to the remote control like it did before. I have used the CEC type of passthrough for the remote earlier but it is no longer working.

So I guess this is not the answer that solves the problem, I need to get full resolution video and the remote passthrough working too.
The original config.txt file contained this:

Sounds like the TV is slow to present its EDID.

You can either hardcode a video mode in config or turn on the Pi after the TV is on.

This came up with another user not very long ago and the fix was to simply set the video output in config.txt

Thank you for the link!
I added these lines to the end of the original version of config.txt and it worked OK:


Now I get full TV resolution and a working CEC remote (the TV remote) to control the Kodi GUI.
Thanks again!

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