Not booting after December update

Works like a charm! :beers:

Can everyone who has experienced this issue for whom the above dtoverlay fix solved the problem please provide the exact make and model of the SD card and if possible the approximate age or purchase date of the card.

If possible please also post a copy of your config.txt, (inside preformatted text tags) if you have made any changes to your overclock settings either through My OSMC or by directly editing config.txt.

This information will be passed back to the Raspberry Pi Foundation to help them improve the sdhost driver and improve compatibility with a few cards which apparently it has issues with at the moment.


If you’re not using multiple operating systems, then a fresh install from the OSMC blog may serve you better.


this one is mine:

was not working till the “dtoverlay=mmc” fix.


Sorry for yesterday, I went to bed also… couldn’t stay longer.
Your fix corrected the issue on my side.

I’m wondering how it’s going to be in the near future now… should I revert the config file to default after next upgrade ?

I really thank you. Less than 24 hours to resolve such a strange bug, I’m really impressed.

Have a good day

BTW, I have goodram 32GB.

This also solved the problem on my pi2. Thanks Sam!
Al tho i’m kinda wondering which advantages await me with that new overlay.
If i only use the SD for OSMC and all my files on a NAS would you expect increased performance with the new SD overlay?

Transcend Premium 16GB MicroSDHC Premium 300X (Class 10) purchased 17-07-2015.

dtoverlay=lirc-rpi:gpio_out_pin=17,gpio_in_pin=18 gpu_mem_1024=256 over_voltage=0 over_voltage_sdram=0 force_turbo=0 disable_splash=1 core_freq=450 initial_turbo=0 start_x=1 sdtv_aspect=1 disable_overscan=1 arm_freq=900 sdram_freq=450 hdmi_ignore_cec_init=1 dtoverlay=mmc


Sticking with dtoverlay=mmc will keep your device running with all future updates. See my previous post for a slightly more in depth explanation.

If anyone is happy to give up a problematic SD card (it would benefit the Raspberry Pi foundation greatly), please send me a PM.



Sam’s right. I work for Raspberry Pi, and the driver is my work. We’ve not seen this problem before - in fact switching to the sdhost driver has improved stability for some users with problematic cards - but I’m keen to understand and solve it.

In the meantime, adding dtoverlay=mmc to config.txt, as Sam has said, is the recommended workaround.

Since the mmc overlay isn’t part of the current image, you will also need to download it from here and copy it into the overlays directory.

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And in case there is any doubt, using the mmc overlay just undoes the switch to the sdhost driver, i.e. new build + mmc = old build, at least as far as SD cards are concerned.

Thanks Sam for helping and finding a solution!
However, I see this problem happening with many card manufacturers (samsung, transcend and others) and I suspect we are ending up saying "osmc/raspberry works only with ${very_old_sd_card} or ${only_few_sd_vendors} " …

I had this issue also. The solution with the dtoverlay=mmc solved the problem. And also download and saving the dtb-file in the right folder.

I have a Transcend 32GB microsd premium 300x. I purchased the SD-card 2015-12-26.

Thank you for the support that solved my issue

Hi Massimilano,

I understand your concern, but Phil has put a lot of work in to the new driver and I’m sure he wants this issue resolved more so than most users who can simply get another SD card.

You are basing your experience on anecdotal evidence here. Have you tried another SD card or just one? I would like to remind you that for every post from an affected user we have had today, we have had one thousand users who have upgraded without issue.

A solution has been posted that will work now, and will continue to work with OSMC. If you’d like to see increased card compatibility with new driver, then it would be fantastic if you could send us an affected SD card, and then I could forward it to the Pi foundation.



Like this one on Amazon?

This workaround doesn’t work with my SD card (8Gb Lexar C10). Am I the only one?

mine that wasn’t working is this one on Amazon.

Yes it looks like my SD-card


Thanks, guys, I’ve ordered the 16GB card because it’s slightly cheaper (although expedited shipping adds a lot!)

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well, yes, I believe they’re doing their best to fix it, and we are grateful for their work.
I do have two different SD on two different raspberry devices.
On the other raspberry I am using arch-linux, but the kernel is a bit older: 4.1.15-1-ARCH…
I couldn’t say what will happen if I get a new kernel on the other device… or, maybe, I should already know, what will happen :slight_smile:

I think I have the same (I don’t want to remove it right now)

If you want to see if you will be affected by the switch to the sdhost driver then add dtoverlay=sdhost to your config.txt and reboot. If your boot fails or you see SD card errors then you know not to update yet.

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