Yes, it was fixed in staging a while ago and then normally automatically flows into next stable. Maybe Sam just forgot to list it down in the changelog.
Well I’m not mad it’s been a late Easter egg for me to find …
You won’t believe how much of a qol change this is for me.
A very happy customer (have been before the fix, too )!
It’s in the change log: ‘ Fix an issue which could cause the Vero 4K / 4K+ to wake from standby unexpectedly’
And after checking back it seems you are absolutely right
How could we ever doubt you…
Anyways this is absolutely brilliant! Anybody who needs a ‘slightly’ used smart power plug?
Mhmm, somehow the and scripts are not running since yesterday
the log shows they are found:
2020-06-11 19:24:41.408 T:4068126720 NOTICE: CApplication::ToggleStandby – checking for existence of /home/osmc/.kodi/userdata/
2020-06-11 19:24:41.409 T:4068126720 NOTICE: CApplication::ToggleStandby – script /home/osmc/.kodi/userdata/ found
2020-06-11 19:25:33.843 T:4068126720 NOTICE: CApplication::ToggleStandby – checking for existence of /home/osmc/.kodi/userdata/
2020-06-11 19:25:33.843 T:4068126720 NOTICE: CApplication::ToggleStandby – script /home/osmc/.kodi/userdata/ found
and the script hasn’t changed since a long time:
import subprocess
import xbmc[“systemctl”, “restart”, “hyperion”])
print “WAKE!!!”
Not even the print is shown in the log…
Any idea what might have caused this?
I got two more updates shown since the big June update - did maybe one of these break things?
best regards
Have you checked permissions on the script?
Wow, that was realtime!
What should they be? root with execution?
Update: that was indeed the culprit!!! Cheers!