OSMC 2017.01-1 profile crash


My previous installation of 2017.12-xx started crashing, so I decided to make clear re-install of my RPi2B from scratch.
I used the OSMC_qt_host_installer.exe and I did install 2017.01-1.

I did system update, restart, I dd all the system setup under Master user and scan NAS for movies/series … I took several hours :frowning:
Then I created profile for “parents” and “kids”… however when I tried to login to any of these profiles … it crashed and I saw blue screen with :pensive: smile

Any idea? Why 2017.01-1 profiles crash?
Im gonna do install 2016.12-1 now… hopefully profiles will work. :osmc:

A post was merged into an existing topic: Some User Profiles not working after updating to Krypton