OSMC Alpha 2

“My OSMC?” Where does one find that? I haven’t seen that yet on my Alpha 2 install.


It will come with Alpha 3 and later.

The comparison was just to show that there isn’t anything wrong with the hard drive, not to compare OSMC to OpenElec. My goal is just to help with development is there is any information I can provide. Perhaps the problem is with the USB ports on my Pi.

Useless, doesn’t work…Only kidding! OSMC is a slick piece of software in my opinion. I wanted to try Kodi 14 and a more upto date debian disti so gave OSMC a go. Installation was a breeze and in no time i had it running on my Rasb Pi B+. Impressed with the boot up speed, a full shutdown/reboot takes just 30 seconds which is impressive on such a small device! I’m glad to see you are using systemd, both my laptop and pc use systemd and it does help with the bootup speed. Also impressed to see the process list is really streamlined. Just a few core processes running. So far no problems with OSMC. Thank you all for a great piece of software. I cannot wait for the final release!

I will get the RPM packager to look at this.

any ETA for alpha 3?

Most likely a couple of days.

Anyone else have Chrome telling them that the Windows osmc-installer.exe could be malware and dangerous? I swear it didn’t say that before, and the file size is different from the other day.

01/15/2015 11:54 AM 3,469,983 osmc-installer (1).exe
01/12/2015 11:26 AM 3,468,602 osmc-installer.exe

Maybe I’m just being too paranoid :slight_smile:

A lot of antivirus software are complaining aswell, almost couldn’t run it because of this. Maybe something too look into for Sam, because this almost made it impossible…


I’m aware of this, but apparently this is because the installer hasn’t had enough downloads yet for it to be flagged as safe. If you search and type in Virus you’ll see a thread with a link to VirusTotal which proves this is a false-positive.

I’m afraid I just have to rely on people reporting this as a false positive for now


I installed netfliXBMC on RasPi. I’m able to launch the addon and log in successfully. Unfortunately no content is being showed after browsing the menus.
Is it OSMC or rather NetfliXBMC issue?

I’m not aware that NetfliXBMC runs on any Raspberry Pi platform.

If you have further, please create a NEW THREAD titled appropriately, rather than resurrecting a long dead release announcement thread with very little relevance to the current state of OSMC.

Thanks! :+1::laughing::point_up: