OSMC and Hyperion

Quick question (from someone with a working set up using Hissingshark’s install script) - is there a way to make the LEDs more colourful for HDR content, they’re currently very washed out when compared to the same video that’s not 4K/HDR - Is the issue that it’s rec2020 and the TV does the processing to make the image brighter/more vibrant?

It looks like there was a patch (https://github.com/hyperion-project/hyperion.ng/pull/928) but I can’t see it pulled into the mainline yet (Releases · hyperion-project/hyperion.ng · GitHub) ?

Hello again @hissingshark !
I got it working now, thanks for your help!

I have found a post you made on github (Forwarding via flat-buffers not working. · Issue #652 · hyperion-project/hyperion.ng · GitHub) and I have a similar setup!

I have 200 leds, controlled by a wemos D1 mini. This board is connected via wifi to a raspberry pi w, where I have hyperion installed.
The Pi captures the signal from a fire stick.

On the other end, I have the Vero 4K, with hyperion installed and forwarding the signal to the Pi.

Have you managed to make flatbuffer work in your setup?

Thanks again!!

Edit: another thing. How am I supposed to update hyperion on the Vero 4K? I installed using your instructions.

I don’t use a setup like that myself. I just tried it out to get to the bottom of an issue raised in this thread, and maybe learn something for the future. You’ll find that original post if you search above.
Unfortunately I could never get it working with the hack suggested on there, nor after the commit that closed the issue.
The WiFi on that Pi Zero died so I’m not in a position to test further.

Updating is performed by updating the installer and then installing from binary again. Either delete and then reclone the repo, or run git pull from inside the hyperion-vero4k folder.

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Thank you very much for your answer!

About the updating, are you planning to update your build to the alpha 9 version?

I shall do yes. It came a matter of weeks after I did alpha-8, so it went onto the TODO list.
And was it python3.7 you needed to install for your fix? I assumed so.

Forgot to say, I updated the binaries the other day. Now slightly newer than alpha-9.

Do you know if the latest pull includes the hdr to sdr tone mapping fix?

You’d have to check the commit history/ changelog on their GitHub.

@hissingshark it looks like they gave up having it pulled into the mainline and branched the project https://github.com/awawa-dev/HyperHDR :frowning: - I guess there’s no chance your install script could possibly build that in people want 4K HDR + bright LEDs? :wink: beer tokens are always available if it’s a lot of effort :slight_smile:

Let me just say thank you for your great work. I got Hyperion and WLED up & running with in the hour on my OSMC 4k!

I’m just wondering what are the limitations I will be running into? Can I not grab 4k content?
I don’t fully understand the HDR mapping etc that was mentioned in the previous posts.

It grabs, but as I understand it the colour reproduction for HDR content is desaturated compared with the on-screen picture.


after running Hyperion for about 3 years happily, I’m now ready for the next step because more and more content gets released as H.265 and my old Hyperion installation can only handle H.264.

I have a Raspberry Pi 3 with APA102 LEDs connected following this tutorial running V1.03.3 (brindosch-2fbbcff/2f01dfa-1495880388, acting as a client. The server and grabber is the Hyperion installation (brindosch-709faea/49a9ca9-1508693345) on my Vero 4K connected to the Pi via LAN.

From what I’ve read HDR or HDR10 content will still produce flamboyant colour-nonsene but I’d like to be able to at least watch H.265 content with ambilight enabled.

The question is … if I uninstall old Hyperion on the Vero 4K, then install Hyperion.NG, will the old Hyperion on the Pi3 be able to make sense of the information it gets sent by the server on the Vero? Or do I need to install Hyperion.NG on the Pi3 as well?

It was quite some work for me to set up all of this, so I want to make sure before experimenting.

Hey everyone,

just a little heads up for all the ambilight enthusiasts around here - hyperion has just released Alpha 10 which seems like a real treat with focus on user experience…

Releases · hyperion-project/hyperion.ng (github.com)

@hissingshark - are you able/willing to update the installation script? I’m not sure if I’m able to build all this from scratch again after all these months :wink:

anyways, have a nice day!

Yeah, I will do. It’s on my to-do list.


@hissingshark to the rescue…


I run the Hyperion.NG scripts that @hissingshark maintains here (we all owe him a drink or five…)

Set up is Vero4K doing the grabbing set up as detailed here - and it works for 4K content. The colours are just a little washed out as Hyperion.NG is yet to integrate rec2020 colour space sampling sadly.

There was a request to make Hyperion.NG do it (including code here ) but it never got added and the dev went on to release HyperHDR

I’ve updated to 2.0.0-alpha.10. Seems to be working here, but not tested extensively. @Anthrax I’ll leave that to you!

It’s a shame they haven’t embraced the HDR yet. I’m hoping they will as it’s a shame they’ve been forked.

They actually have an apt repo now, but not for us. Alarmingly I just found this installer was listed on the Supported Platforms page :blush:.

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you’re famous!

On a diff note - how would I now move from whatever-version-of-your-cool-installer that I used before to the new one? (wondering if the new one will fix the odd video-paused-but-lights-changing issue, and the youtube one that never seemed to go away)

To update the installer either delete and then reclone the hyperion-vero4k folder, or run git pull from inside there.

Then install from binary again.

@hissingshark I just upgraded to your latest installer. In 2.0.0.a1 the is no selection for “Automatic” under Capturing Hardware.

What is the better selection on a Vero4K+, “Framebuffer” or “AmLogic” ?

Side note: again I needed to append “ mediacenter.service” rightand to After=network.target in /etc/systemd/system/hyperion.service. You might want to add this to the next release of the installer.