OSMC and Hyperion

It was the only command I found while searching how to run Hyperion in debug mode.

Just happened again tonight. I’ve been watching things on and off all week without issue then tonight pressed stop after a film finished and now the Vero is not responding. Not even to ping.

Yes I am using Amlogic.

Will reboot and stop the service and run it from SSH with that command.


Ok It happened last night when I paused a movie. I suspect this is an issue with how I am automating Hyperion, rather than Hyperion itself.

Debug log is here FIY: https://www.hastebin.com/sewiqiqiri.coffeescript

What does not show up is that the last line is a series of 26 NULL characters.

A little on how I am using Hyperion:

When playback is stopped or paused for 5 minutes or if I switch TV sources away from Kodi, Home Assistant turns off Hyperion (hence the no carrier lines).

If the TV source is changed to Kodi or playback begins Hyperion is switched on.

I also have a second integration set up for WLED in Home Assistant that may be causing issues.

I’m going to try the following:

1: Disabling the Home Assistant WLED integration (I don’t use it anyway).
2: Switching off the LEDs instead of Hyperion. There’s an issue about this on the Home Assistant Hyperion integration Github repository. https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/41892 that provides a method for doing this.

EDIT: ok, time will tell if this makes a difference (LEDs off after 5 minutes of no playback):

2021-09-22T01:05:05.264Z [hyperiond AMLOGICGRABBER] (DEBUG) (AmlogicGrabber.cpp:198:grabFrame_amvideocap()) Video playback has been paused
2021-09-22T01:05:22.665Z [hyperiond AMLOGICGRABBER] (DEBUG) (AmlogicGrabber.cpp:198:grabFrame_amvideocap()) Previous line repeats 1 times
2021-09-22T01:05:22.666Z [hyperiond AMLOGICGRABBER] (ERROR) Read of device failed: 61 - No data available
2021-09-22T01:05:22.687Z [hyperiond AMLOGICGRABBER] (INFO) Switch to Framebuffer capture mode
2021-09-22T01:10:22.875Z [hyperiond LEDDEVICE] (DEBUG) (LedDeviceWled.cpp:237:powerOff()) Restore synchronisation with other WLED devices
2021-09-22T01:10:22.877Z [hyperiond COMPONENTREG] (DEBUG) (ComponentRegister.cpp:36:setNewComponentState()) LED device: disabled

I assume the sending of UDP packets is stopped when the LED device is turned off?

As a follow up, I ended up removing the WLED integration from Home Assistant and leaving the Hyperion integration as is (switching Hyperion, not the LEDs).

It hasn’t missed a beat for weeks. :+1:

I have updated the binaries to 2.0.12

Note from their release page:

We strongly recommend doing an export of your configuration before migrating to the new version!
You cannot use the new version’s configuration database with a previous version.
If you run multiple instances, you unfortunately need to export each individually.

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Dear all,

I am building a new installation and would appreciate some recommendations.

My planned scheme is:
[Vero 4k with hyperion-vero4k] --Ethernet-- [Raspberry Pi with HyperBian] --SPI-- [LED strip]

I want to grab image on Vero and forward it to out to LED on Pi.

On the Pi side i’ve configured “LED Output” (Controller, Layout) and “Network Services” (JSON Server, Flatbuffers Server). “Screen Capture” is ready on the Vero side.

But what is proper config for hyperion on the Vero to forward data to Pi? Would be enough to configure “Forwarder” with “flat” and “json”? Or “LED Output” must be configured on the source server too?

UPD: works like a charm without additional config, thanks to @hissingshark and all committers!

Perfect job as always @hissingshark!!!

It’s almost to easy now and the prebuilt binaries make this a 30sec job :wink:

Happy holidays to everyone and especially the fine developers on these forums,

Hi there,

I’m using hyperion fork HyperHDR now for a while now.

Got today my Vero 4k+ installed hyperion on it but i notice the internal grabber is quit laggy. Am I missing something? Decimation was on almost 20% and stil no luck.

Cause i don’t think it has any value of using if the grabber doesn’t give a solid video.

I’m thinking going back to hardware grabber like i’m using already and buy myself a extra hdmi splitter

Hi @hissingshark,

it’s this time of year again… :wink:

Hyperion released Release Hyperion 2.0.13 · hyperion-project/hyperion.ng · GitHub

Will we have the pleasure of simply running your installer with a prebuilt binary again?

Pretty please?

Anyways, hope everybody is well,

It’s on my list.

It’s a shame the HDR support stalled. I took a look at HyperHDR and got it to build. But it doesn’t support internal grabbers so you’d have to buy a USB unit. I also don’t like the fact they forked the project, but I guess that’s the way it goes.

Perfect, thank you!

About HDR - looks like I have some catching up to do… Didn’t know they forked HDR-support.
Sounds like an unnecessary move but what do I know.

best regards

Preliminary tests of my 2.0.13 builds are ok.

I notice the Hyperion app on Android is back to near instantaneous response. For a long time there was a 2 second delay.

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Worked like a charm :slight_smile:


Is it possible to include Boblight server in the pre-built?

Even though I don’t use it, it is causing errors in other applications that connect to Hyperion (the Home Assistant integration).

I’ve updated the builds to include it. No idea if it’ll do what you want. Let us know.
I did observe that it defaults to off in the webGUI, so you’ll need to toggle it on there.

And of course if you think it needs anything else adding you can always try building it from source yourself and test it. That is why I built the installer with all those menus and options!

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Thanks. I don’t even use it. Home Assistant just checks that it is disabled and generates an error if it can’t find it. Also sorry, I forgot about the build it yourself option :man_facepalming:

Hey Peeps.
Been using 1.0.0 for years now but switching to new 4K+
I am a bit overwhelmed by this thread on where to find a “how to”.
I scrolled a few hundred posts down from 1, but it looks outdated.
Scrolling a few hundred up only gave troubleshooting things.
Of course I used the search function, but most posts are error related.
Did I miss something obvious here? :face_with_peeking_eye:


It’s people like you who make the world turn my friend.
Thank you very much!

Hey @hissingshark,

I’m still enjoying my hyperion ambilight every single day at it’s been rock solid and an easy installation everytime I start fresh thanx to your awesome installer…

The Debian 11 update and upgrade to Python 3.9 breaks it at the moment though, as install.sh still references 3.7 :wink:

I’ve replaced Python-* 3.7 with 3.9 and was able to successfully build an run hyperion again.
I already zipped the binaries and will share them with you if you like (and trust me of course)…

As I’m not running any dev-machines at the moment I can’t make a pull request, but as you know it’s an easy fix.

For anyone interested:
Just replace all Python* 3.7 references with 3.9 or just overwrite the respective lines in install.sh

declare -a PREBUILD_DEPENDS=(git cmake build-essential python3.9 libpython3.9-dev)
declare -a BUILD_DEPENDS=(vero3-userland-dev-osmc qtbase5-dev libqt5serialport5-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev libxrender-dev libavahi-core-dev libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev libmbedtls-dev libpcre3-dev zlib1g-dev libjpeg-dev libqt5sql5-sqlite libssl-dev)
declare -a RUN_DEPENDS=(libqt5concurrent5 libqt5core5a libqt5dbus5 libqt5gui5 libqt5network5 libqt5printsupport5 libqt5serialport5 libqt5sql5 libqt5test5 libqt5widgets5 libqt5xml5 libusb-1.0-0 python3.9 libpython3.9 qt5-qmake libqt5sql5-sqlite libpcre16-3)

See you when it breaks again :wink:

I still seem to have 3.7 available on my system. But 3.9 too…