Osmc bluetooth dongle not working

Hi all,

just received the osmc bluetooth USB dongle, but it seems not to be working.

In the OSMC app under network is not a bluetooth menu and with dmesg I can see the following:

[89979.365795] usb 1-1.1.3: new full-speed USB device number 17 using dwc_otg

[89979.805808] usb 1-1.1.3: device not accepting address 17, error -32

[89979.805984] usb 1-1.1-port3: unable to enumerate USB device

Any ideas to get the dongle working?

May be that I received a faulty dongle?


Are you using the latest version of OSMC? Which device are you using the dongle on?

Hi Sam,
no, I‘m staying on Leia with Pi3 b+ because of hyperion is not working on newer builts.

That could be the problem.

Is the dongle not compatible with the latest Leia built?

Hard to say – you are probably on a version from 2019, that’s quite old and not something we officially support.
