opened 01:07AM - 16 Jul 16 UTC
Empty shell paths aren't being reset correctly when using sudo. This is the resu…lt of the osmc-no-secure-path commit 62596e56c7bcdb959dcf2e54e616241921a2b659. From the commit message, it is unclear to me as to why disabling secure-path was set. I don't believe it should be disabled as the secure-path on jessie looks quite sane.
I found this while debugging an issue with `apt-get` I ran into when using Ansible on the box. This was deemed to be a [distribution problem]( on the OS. Some reference output :
_error except from attempt to apt-get install a package using ansible_
dpkg: warning: 'ldconfig' not found in PATH or not executable.
dpkg: warning: 'start-stop-daemon' not found in PATH or not executable.
_current path_
dekimsey@living-room:~/ansible$ ansible all -i localhost, -b -m shell -a 'echo $PATH'
localhost | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>
_after re-enabling securepath_
dekimsey@living-room:~/ansible$ ansible all -i localhost, -b -m shell -a 'echo $PATH'
localhost | SUCCESS | rc=0 >>