OSMC Vero V Review

Dear OSMC Team,
Would it be possible to implement in the software a virtual surround sound like Microsoft Dolby Atmos for headphones that brings the experience of multi-speakers on smaller setups like headphones?

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thanks for the hard work.
looking forward to reading more about the wifi spec, I’m guessing it does 2x2 or perhaps even more (the 4k+ does 1x1). :slight_smile:

Yes, with dedicated antennas for Bluetooth and WiFi now.

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How’s the HDR to SDR tonemapping? This is an important item for many projector owners.

Excellent, and improved over Vero 4K / 4K+
You will not be disappointed.


@sam_nazarko . do you already have a target price for the V?

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oh thank baby jeebus, it’s finally here. my (non-Vero) mediaplayer stopped working months ago and i’ve been (mostly) patiently awaiting this release. i think i have a TV backlog of about 80 hours of episodes queued up.

@sam_nazarko do you expect initial demand will exceed supply? if so, will you be limiting how many units people can buy?


Can I just say that I’m very excitedly awaiting the release and have been keeping an eye on all media sources after seeing the indication of a Summer release :smiley: Now knowing we are potentially a week away… I cant wait!

@sam_nazarko - Don’t stress about the volume of orders (unless we are talking about the website crashing :stuck_out_tongue: ). Just put us in a queue and work through the backlog! We are patient.

And I’ll be doing exactly what you’ve mentioned earlier…moving my existing Vero to the bedroom and upgrading the lounge to the Vero V.

Also, in terms of the newsletter, I’ve tried adding my email address multiple times, but not sure if I’ve been successful as I don’t appear to have received anything in the last few months. Is there somewhere I can register interest ahead of the webstore being updated with the V?

Thanks for all the effort & support that you put into all of this. It’s really something else!

Any comments on this:

“Dear OSMC Team,
Would it be possible to implement in the software a virtual surround sound like Microsoft Dolby Atmos for headphones that brings the experience of multi-speakers on smaller setups like headphones?”


First off, I’m so glad I saw this post! I just got the demand from my partner last night to order a replacement for our ancient bedroom Raspberry Pi running OSMC again got stuck during reboot. So excited to move the living room 4k+ to the bedroom and upgrade the living room to the V!

Two questions for you, @sam_nazarko :

  1. I utilize the mounting bracket in our living room to mount the 4k+ to the back of the TV. Any tips for doing the same for the V?

  2. Could you give a link to the mailing list or order page for those of us itching to buy a V?


I think this page should be updated, not to disappoint new customers who are unaware of the new V: Vero - OSMC
It says "The all new Vero 4K+…

It will be updated soon.

We can implement anything that works on linux and ALSA with Debian 11. If you can find a suitable software we could look into it. Any solution wouldn’t be limited to Vero V so better if you post a separate feature request.

Personally, I’ve been trying these surround sound systems since the 90s and nothing really works for me but YMMV.

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Lots of emails and questions. I’m trying to reply to everything where possible.


We already have more demand than supply pre-launch, but we have to start somewhere I suppose. We will do multiple batches. I don’t anticipate customer limits.

If you are on the Newsletter that should be sufficient.

We aren’t including one in the Vero V kit. It wasn’t really used and the new case design doesn’t have the same mounting holes unfortunately.

About - OSMC should suffice

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Something like that:

Linux: How To enable HRTF virtual 3D surround sound with PulseAudio

No. That doesn’t work with Atmos and I can’t find the source code on github anyway.

It’s great to read this review, thanks for sharing.

Im a long time owner of a Vero 4K, but last week pulled the trigger on an Nvidia Shield, almost entirely down to getting a new LG OLED TV and wanting Dolby Vision support immediately.
Having finished the setup of the Shield and getting it somewhere close to the previous Vero setup, I can say I still prefer the Vero but I am enjoying the DV support.
For me, the Vero remote is better, easier to use and the performance and speed of the Vero appears to be way ahead of the shield (launch, boot, scanning times etc).

My vero will be moved to a bedroom and i’ll be keep an eye on the DV progress :slight_smile:

Adam1V> same here. with new hdr TV, I am really enjoying DV via streaming services preinstalled directly on TV with DV support, however it would be great if anybody tries to achieve something that has been done with Homatics box, running CoreElec on a USB flash, taking needed files (meaning DV support) from built in emmc flash with Android. I know this is dirty setup, however I would definitely buy Vero V if there would be procedure, how to achieve this on Vero V.

From what Sam has said, DV output will never be supported. The Vero 4K can already extract the base HDR10 layer from a dual-layer DV video (e.g. a UHD blu-ray remux) - that’s all you’ll ever get for dual-layer DV. For single-layer DV, Sam and co. are investigating the possibility of converting them to HDR10 on the fly - if that works, you will be able to play them and get correct colours; but the TV will register the signal as HDR10 and (it seems safe to assume) you won’t be able to take advantage of dynamic metadata, so it likely won’t look as good as actual DV would (although that will depend somewhat on the relative quality of DV and HDR10 tone-mapping on your television, and on calibration accuracy).

So, short version: DV, as such, will be never be supported; but the range of DV videos for which it will be possible to fall back to HDR10 may be expanded.

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thanks for clarifying @angry.sardine