OSMC web front end

After reading up on Ajenti (mentioned in this post: Installing Ajenti but sadly didn’t get it working for me) I’ve been thinking that some sort of web UI for OSMC would be great - Sort of a mix between the HTPC manager project (http://htpc.io), Ajenti (http://ajenti.org) and the Kodi web ui Chorus (https://github.com/jez500/chorus)

This would in no way be a prioritised task, but with the AppStore on OSMC (hopefully) expanding making OSMC more and more powerful the number of services and things to keep on top of rises.
Being able to control everything from one place would be a Unique Selling Point for OSMC.

So why not just use Ajenti? Well Ajenti seems to be superb at controlling the core OS and all packages, I mean terminal from the web - I could do stuff from my iPhone, how cool is that! But it doesn’t seamlessly integrate with Kodi or stuff like couch potato and transmission.

Why not just use HTPC manager? It doesn’t do all the cool system stuff that Ajenti does

Why not just use Chorus? Well it’s definitely the looker of the bunch but is just a control interface for Kodi, none of that other fancy magic :frowning:

I understand that this can hardly be a priority, but I do think that, after a lot of other stuff is done, something like this could actually be something that would draw people to OSMC

Cheers and keep up the good work :smiley:

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Love the idea, but the issue is finding something willing to take this on



HTPC Manager has access to a very basic commandline. It’s off by the default but you can access it by starting HTPC-Manager with --shell

Yes but the whole web interface thing is sort of the point here. But one could of course try to extract the command line tools from htpcmanager and plug in to that when making a new interface to not have to write that part again