OSMC's June update is here with Kodi v20 - OSMC

Just want to thank all the work everyone in the OSMC team puts out. It’s been a hassle free experience for the long duration I’ve been using it.


Hi Boulotaur,

(You might add the wget part in order to download the .deb ?)

The wget part is described in the post now :wink:

I thought the installation process went really fast (with no errors though). I was expecting 10-15 minutes in order for the new image to install properly. Instead it ended up in 1 minute

This is because the kernel is not the complete operating system, just a layer (the lowest).

Have a good day.

Thanx for update on the pi3b+ same issue here lots reboots after while usage, will test this out as have done reinstall etc etc to no avail

Is there a list of what features this new version has? For example, does it still support 3D on the Pi platform, either Pi3 or Pi4? I know it does on the Vero4K+ because I tried it, but I recall conversation late last year about perhaps losing 3D on the Pi4 platform due to upstream code changes. if that happened does it affect the Pi3 as well?

One thing I noticed when I run uname -r is that the Vero is running a 4.9 kernel still. There is conversation in here about the 5.X kernel. What should I expect to see?

Thanks for all the support!

Link in the announcement

No change in this release and that is the same for Pi3 and Pi4

The Vero will stay on 4.9 with backports for the time being

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Yes, I read that before I came here. I also went to the Kodi link contained in it. No mention of 3D at all that I saw. Did I miss it?

Because there is no change to it since the switch to v19

So, after digging into the forums and over at Kodi, I can’t find any evidence that the latest builds support 3D at all. However, the menus and options are all still in the system. I actually installed it on a Pi4 today and have it connected to my setup now. It “plays” 4K and my other files, but even though it asks what 3D format I want to play it in, the video is not in fact 3D. It just plays in 2D.

3D MVC on Pi is deprecated for some time by Raspberry Pi themselves.

We still support 3D MVC on Vero 4K / 4K + and Vero V as we fully control that hardware and software stack.

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Thanks Sam. Last time I checked I know deprecation was the roadmap. I was just thinking maybe that somehow you guys pulled it off anyway…….:wink:

I have a 4K+ and I saw that there is already an image available for the 5 but it doesn’t show for sale. It must be imminent!

I did notice in my case that when I installed the latest image on a Pi4 today that the GUI resolution was 4K. I changed it to 1080 but I wanted to let you know.

Thanks for all you do!

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@jcea @J0k3r @Dey_Dey @Boulotaur2024 @h_ramus

My suggestion is to update to the staging repository and see if the issue still persists.

If it does, please start a new post.

This repository has an updated 5.15 kernel and firmware.

You should check that your system has updated to the newer kernel, as manually downgrading can cause problems.

Many thanks


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Hi Sam,

Thanks for the packages update.
I swapped to the devel branch on one of my Pi’s and a new test is running.

I’ll give a feedback as soon as possible.


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Hi Sam

Thanks for checking on this. My timezone is a few hours ahead so updated to the development branch and had it running for around 7h. The usual DRM resetting GPU messages were logged every second after around 7h.

Suggest you don’t spend more time on this as it seems specific to pi 3, and 3b+ at least. I’ll keep using kernel 5.10 for the time being as it’s working fine. Hopefully when 6.1 lands it’ll be OK. If not, 5.10 until it’s no longer supported.

As always, thanks for all the support to the pi platform.

Can you upload a log so I can check you updated successfully and check the error further?


I’ve moved back to the 5.10 kernel thus deleted the latest kodi log and kept the old one where the GPU resets. Relevant boot e4517ff877a543cba48793b7f096ca65


Will do there a guide posted on how to do so im assuming :ok_hand:

I would advise doing it the proper way as this will permanently put the user on the staging repository which is ill advised.

  1. Login via the command line
  2. Run the following command to add the staging repository:
    echo 'deb http://apt.osmc.tv bullseye-devel main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/osmc-devel.list
  3. Run the following commands to update: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && reboot
  4. Your system should have have received the update.

Please see if the issue is resolved.

I also recommend you remove /etc/apt/sources.list.d/osmc-devel.list after updating.

This will deactivate the staging repository. You can do so with the following command:
sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/osmc-devel.list.

Please note that we will automatically disable this update channel after 14 days on your device in case you forget to do so to ensure that your system reverts to the stable update channel.

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It seems that the new kernel version gives better results.
After 8h of video playing, all is OK.
RAM usage & CPU load return to normal state when video is over.

I will test a little bit more and tell you.

EDIT : So it’s confirmed, no more crash with the new kernel.
The only strange things I can see is the repetition of this line with a “dmesg” :

bcm2835-codec bcm2835-codec: Invalid control

I’m glad to hear this.