OSMC's November update lands

OSMC's November update is here. These changes come in light, as Kodi Jarvis (v16) is very stable as it nears its end of its life. We have been working on preparing OSMC for Kodi Krypton (v17) and test builds are now available. We will continue to update them.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://osmc.tv/2016/11/osmcs-november-update-lands/

10 posts were split to a new topic: Debian Jessie vs Kodi Jarvis

What is Twofish being used for?


Requested by a user

How about adding Alexa voice support to OSMC? That would be a great addition

I assume you mean using Amazon Echo. This is already possible. See http://www.howtogeek.com/249336/how-to-control-your-kodi-media-center-with-an-amazon-echo/.

No. I was thinking about using the Amazon developer account, cloning and installing Alexa to the RPi, and running the service so the Pi acts like an echo to control OSMC

I’m pretty sure that what you want to actuall do is control Kodi. You should seek advice from them for such a feature.

Amazon let you use their Alexa code on the RPI. The only insist you use a press button instead of solely voice actuation. Some users have actually gotten their RPIs to act just like the Echo using Debian Jessie and Alexa. I was wondering if somehow Alexa could be installed with OSMC to make it voice controlled and standalone

Kodi control is what you want… Address it with Kodi.