Updated from june 2020 to nov 2020 and movies wont start to play.
Any idea what to do? Reboot dont help.
Please upload logs (via MyOSMC - Log Uploader or grab-logs -A
) and share the URL.
I assume you have inconsistency in your apt sources from a testing repository.
New try: HTTPS://paste.osmc.tv/EDOZAROGEK
Logs dont seem to upload?
That is odd. Is your network connection working?
Can you try paste-log /etc/apt/sources.list
and paste-log /home/osmc/.kodi/temp/kodi.log
Sorry new to this. How do I do this?
Network is ok
Via Command Line
Details regarding how to access the command line interface can be found here on our Wiki: Accessing the command line - General - OSMC
Alternatively you could try in MyOSMC - Log Uploader just choose the APT logs.
First one works, but the address must be entered in lower case.
Thanks, and another one
@ooZee thanks for pointing that out.
There seems to be a problem with our NAS access unsupported protocol('"smb)
I doubt we have seen this before.
When you now have access to the command line can you do
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Just to ensure there are no outstanding updates.
Ive runned them. What now?
should I run auto remove?
Where any packages additionally installed?
Yes: armv7-libass-osmc armv7-libnfs-osmc dh-python gnupg-agent libbind9-140
libcdio13 libcryptsetup4 libdevmapper-event1.02.1 libdns162 libenca0
libevent-2.0-5 libicu57 libisc160 libisccc140 libisccfg140 libiso9660-8
liblvm2app2.2 liblwres141 libncurses5 libntfs-3g871 libprocps6
libpython3.5-minimal libpython3.5-stdlib libssl1.0.2 libunistring0
libwebpmux2 python-imaging python3-distutils python3-lib2to3 python3.5
python3.5-minimal samba-common
Ok, I assume your problem still isn’t solved?
No its not working
Ok, the only info I found on Kodi Forum so far is around a Kodi 19 thread but as you are on Kodi 18 that should not be the case:
sudo apt-get install --reinstall vero3-mediacenter-osmc
Are you using username/password to access your samba share?
- Yes I use username and password