"Playback failed" error

If you don’t want to get NFS no matter what, but you’d just like to get a FSTAB mount working quickly, it might be good to switch to SMB FSTAB mounting at this point. With SMB you can use authentication and it might still give good enough throughput (but getting rid of the hassle with NFS, if this isn’t solvable in a timely manner, which it doesn’t seem to be):

And I thought, my NAS (WD MyBook Live) was a difficult setup with NFS… It doesn’t have any GUI configuration options for NFS, everything had to be done via SSH. But it looks like it was a lot less complicated than Synology seems to make the whole setup :see_no_evil:

OK, some progress :slight_smile:

I changed the squash setting as suggested, and now I can add the share. Still no playback, though!

I will switch to smb as and see if that helps.


Before you switch to smb, please provide logs showing the no playback issue.

NFS will give better throughput

Thanks Tom.

Its not unsolvable, I’m running a synology and watching a video using nfs fstab; as I type this

I don’t want to imply that it doesn’t, just wanted to point @eriksdam to a different solution, if he’d want to choose to try something else… And if he’d not want to get NFS working at any cost. :wink:

Fair point, but it does seem we may not be fair of getting this working with nfs; just need logs from @eriksdam

Yup, ok… If @eriksdam is willing to keep trying a big longer. :+1:t2: It might give some clues for future problems and maybe even for some adjustments of the wiki entry.

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Oh, I’ll keep at it, no worries :smiley:

had a quick stab at SMB (which is what i started with before I posted here) but same issue: The files and folder themselves are found/recognised, but no playback.

I think I’ll call it a day, though, and post the logs tomorrow - thanks for your support!!!

  • Erik

Ok, so we’re stuck with having to find the culprit here no matter what… :joy: So, it’s not related to NFS only.

Do that :slightly_smiling_face: Thanks should mostly go to @Tom_Doyle. He’s the pro, I’m just trying to help where I can :wink:

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Hi Erik,

I’m sure we are not far off getting this to work, but I agree starting again tomorrow is the way forward; taking a break from things, on return the way forward often shows its self. Will review the logs, when you’ve posted them tomorrow.

Thanks Tom.

@Chillbo thanks for the compliment. I’m no pro, just trying to learn as I go and like yourself help where I can.

Protip: reboot the NAS and router before getting started back tomorrow :smiley:

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Will do :wink:

couldn’t stop myself: Log

I switched back to nfs, and behold:


Still no playback, though! Arrrrgh!

Thanks again guys, I’m sure “we” will nail this.

Hi Erik,

This can wait till tomorrow if you prefer, but I’m still about so I can follow up; it’s up to you.

“MVC.mkv (File doesn’t exist?”

It seems kodi is still having issues seeing the files, could you please issue the following command:

ls -lah /mnt/Film | paste-log

And post the link provided.

Thanks Tom.



Hi Erik,

That looks ok, have you tried restarting the NAS and router as ActionA advised? If not please do so and try playback again.

If there are still issues, please copy one of the movies you have tried to a usb stick and try playback locally on the vero4k.

Thanks Tom.

So, everything rebooted - no change.
local playback works fine

Here’s the latest log:


I’m seeing 2 wired ports eth0 & eth1, so it looks like you are using a usb gigabit network adaptor; this seems to confirm it aswell:

Feb 04 22:37:23 osmc kernel: usb 1-2: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=6
Feb 04 22:37:23 osmc kernel: usb 1-2: Product: USB 10/100/1000 LAN

Could you please try playback using the onboard network port or the wifi.

You are probably aware your IP will change for test, for now please change the ip under Edit NFS rules to, as we had previously tried.

Thanks Tom.

I am. I’ll remove it and see what happens!

Update: removed the USb adaptor, and changed the NFS rules, still no luck.

I rebooted the Vero, of course.

I don’t know if this helps, but I tried playing back a file on a Win 10 PC connected to the same setup in the same way - no problems, played back just fine.


Could you please provide logs, showing the failed playback on the onboard network port.

Thoughts without logs:

  • try a different network cable if possible

  • Try a different network port on router (more info about network setup would help. Is the vero4k straight into the router or is there switch or network over the mains plugs involved.)

  • Try wifi.

How is the win 10 pc connected to the network?

Thanks Tom.

I doubt the cable is faulty - the movie database get updated correctly = the connection is there.
The win 10 PC and the Vero are hooked up to the same switch and then to my Linksys Router, with everything connected with network-cables, no Power-LAN etc.

Tried WLAN, also changed the DHCP reservation - rebooted - SUCCESS!!!

Now, a smarter person would probably quit while he is ahead, but I’d still like to know what went wrong!!