Playback of packed 3D (3D ISO)

I won’t comment any more on this… @jamie and I have been asking whether there might be a way where we don’t annoy you by asking about the state of things, but still are kept more in the loop of what’s going on with fixes for our issues. Nothing else.

Not pitting anything against other people’s issues. Just couldn’t follow how - as I understood - 3D MVC fix was a priority some time ago and VC-1 got more important. But I already got now, why. This was merely an example of why I thought, some more info in whatever form might have helped avoid the confusion… Didn’t want to make a point about the two issues themselves here.

Thank you very much for that! I know, you won’t be able to go into this amount of detail for every update and step, but really appreciated this…

Just wanted to make one point: Might it be possible to avoid confusion and/or frustration on the users’ side by giving more updates on the current state of things (in whatever way…) and avoid users to ask about the current state of things over and over again and therefore annoy the devs?

Admittedly, the problem has taken longer than expected to tackle. Sometimes (as developers), you think that it’ll be a quick one, so it’s not worth documenting in too much detail. Then other stuff crops up.

I hope that the next update we deliver will be one which involves testing.
I’ve set some time for it this weekend.


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Any progress so far? Maybe some ‘dirty alpha build’ to play with? :slight_smile:

I’ll make some testing available shortly, but it’s going to be experimental.

I’m currently travelling, so things are delayed a little.



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This is my last wish, all other things works very well! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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Glad to hear it. We will indeed have something soon


Took a leap of faith and ordered a Vero 4K in the hope that you will find a way to bring 3D and 4K HDR together in one device - don’t let me down :wink:

  • Erik
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i am holding off until i see some reports of it working. if they can pull it off i am in for 2-3 of these.

3d, 4K and HDR are that important to me and this device looks like “it”.

cautiously optimistic!

bit the bullet and bought one.

how is progress on mvc 3d? need any testers?

There will be a test thread shortly



Sounds good, as soon as (and if) I can contribute anything useful, I will!

  • Erik

sweet. thanks for the update!

Sam, is MVC 3D looking likely soon as I noticed in your update thread you said its dependent on the SOC manufacturer.

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That’s correct. If the SoC doesn’t support it, it can’t be done. This is why 3D MVC isn’t possible on some devices.


Just to be clear - the Vero 4K SoC supports 3D MVC, so this point only relates to OSMC generally? This thread I assumed was always about Vero 4K MVC support specifically.


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What does it mean… that 3D ISO Support will never come when OSMC doesn´t support it?

I think there’s some confusion here. As stated before, we’re working on 3D MVC support for Vero 4K.

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Yes, i missunderstood this… so the plan is to support 3D MVC and 3D ISO, right?

From Sam’s reply on June 17:

“The container of the 3D content doesn’t matter, so M2TS; MKV; ISO will work.”

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