What’s new,just installed osmc Alpha 2 (2 days ago) on an test sd card,and i must say looking very good.
The only thing i couldn’t discover is how OSMC will update
What’s new,just installed osmc Alpha 2 (2 days ago) on an test sd card,and i must say looking very good.
The only thing i couldn’t discover is how OSMC will update
via apt
By using PuTTY SSH Client.
sudo apt-get update
to see which update’s are available and
sudo apt-get upgrade
to install them.
I don’t recommend doing this at the moment on our Alpha builds however
I understand that’s something for the future when the final release will be there
I started using “alpha 3 proposal” and found a problem to automount SAMBA disk, I added the line in /etc/fstab and can be mounted with “mount -a”, but after reboot it doesn’t, I have to do it manually. Checking in service I have this error:
dev-mqueue.mount loaded active mounted POSIX Message Queue File System
and dmesg error:
[ 8.112781] CIFS VFS: Error connecting to socket. Aborting operation.
[ 8.113237] CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -101
any idea?
I had to use “crontab” and execute “mount -a” with 20 seconds of delay, after that samba disc was mounted. seems like lan interface is executed after fstab.
you are right, thanks…it works
There used to be a remote control setting in raspbmc settings, with predefined rcs to choose from. This is not included in osmc yet?
Not yet, but there are plans to add it soon.
Awesome build, loving the new features and OSMC skin however, for some reason my device seems to lock every night around the same time. Remote control app on my iPhone still connects but the screen no longer works, time is stuck in the upper right corner on some time in the evening (local time NL). Any ideas?
That’s most peculiar. Thanks for letting me know – I’ll see if I can work out what’s happening
Let me know if you need any logging or something. Thanks for looking into it!
Side info: Happens for both NFS as SD installations, currently running NFS
Hi Sam,
just installed this alpha on my pi, after kodi update my raspbmc was unusable.
I have problem with nfs and smb share. If I try to play from this kind of resources I get an endless Executing loop, but no play (same issue after kodi update on my old raspbmc setup).
Everything works fine using dlna protocol.
Any solution ?
Please upload a log
which one ? I wasn’t able to find kodi log, just dmesg [Ignore, found it]
what I see is Working … but nothing happen
here the log
18:06:27 T:2890433568 NOTICE: START
18:06:27 T:2890433568 NOTICE: hdmi_boost =
18:06:27 T:2890433568 NOTICE: sdtv_aspect =
18:06:27 T:2890433568 NOTICE: hdmi_ignore_edid =
18:06:27 T:2890433568 NOTICE: hdmi_ignore_cec_init =
18:06:27 T:2890433568 NOTICE: hdmi_edid_file =
18:06:27 T:2890433568 NOTICE: gpu_mem_256 =
18:06:27 T:2890433568 NOTICE: sdtv_mode =
18:06:27 T:2890433568 NOTICE: usb_max_current =
18:06:27 T:2890433568 NOTICE: hdmi_group =
18:06:27 T:2890433568 NOTICE: decode_MPG2 =
18:06:27 T:2890433568 NOTICE: store_hdmi_to_file =
18:06:27 T:2890433568 NOTICE: gpu_mem_512 =
18:06:27 T:2890433568 NOTICE: hdmi_mode =
18:06:27 T:2890433568 NOTICE: hdmi_ignore_cec =
18:06:27 T:2890433568 NOTICE: gpu_mem =
18:06:27 T:2890433568 NOTICE: hdmi_force_hotplug =
18:06:27 T:2890433568 NOTICE: hdmi_safe =
18:06:27 T:2890433568 NOTICE: display_rotate =
18:06:27 T:2890433568 NOTICE: decode_WVC1 =
18:06:27 T:2890433568 NOTICE: OSMC Setting Module __ script.module.osmcsetting.pi __ found and imported
18:06:27 T:2890433568 NOTICE: number_of_pages_needed
18:06:27 T:2890433568 NOTICE: 1
18:06:27 T:2890433568 NOTICE: {‘apply_buttons’: [105], ‘live_modules’: [{‘FX_Icon’: ‘/usr/share/kodi/addons/script.module.osmcsetting.pi/resources/osmc/FX_Icon.png’, ‘SET’: <scriptmoduleosmcsettingpi.OSMCSettingClass object at 0xa6233cd0>, ‘FO_Icon’: ‘/usr/share/kodi/addons/script.module.osmcsetting.pi/resources/osmc/FO_Icon.png’, ‘id’: ‘script.module.osmcsetting.pi’}, {‘FX_Icon’: ‘/usr/share/kodi/addons/script.module.osmcsetting.pioverclock/resources/osmc/FX_Icon.png’, ‘SET’: <scriptmoduleosmcsettingpioverclock.OSMCSettingClass object at 0xab1e36d0>, ‘FO_Icon’: ‘/usr/share/kodi/addons/script.module.osmcsetting.pioverclock/resources/osmc/FO_Icon.png’, ‘id’: ‘script.module.osmcsetting.pioverclock’}, {‘FX_Icon’: ‘/usr/share/kodi/addons/script.module.osmcsetting.updates/resources/osmc/FX_Icon.png’, ‘SET’: <scriptmoduleosmcsettingupdates.OSMCSettingClass object at 0xa6248ef0>, ‘FO_Icon’: ‘/usr/share/kodi/addons/script.module.osmcsetting.updates/resources/osmc/FO_Icon.png’, ‘id’: ‘script.module.osmcsetting.updates’}], ‘order_of_fill’: [104, 106, 102, 108, 101, 109, 103, 107]}
18:06:27 T:2890433568 NOTICE: 3
18:06:27 T:2890433568 NOTICE: daemon started
18:06:27 T:2787238944 NOTICE: Thread FileCache start, auto delete: false
18:06:35 T:2787238944 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
18:06:35 T:2787238944 NOTICE: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
18:06:45 T:3024781312 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
18:06:45 T:3024781312 NOTICE: DVDPlayer: Opening: nfs:// 1 - Motori Ruggenti.avi
18:06:45 T:3024781312 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
18:06:45 T:2769286176 NOTICE: Thread DVDPlayer start, auto delete: false
18:06:45 T:2769286176 NOTICE: Creating InputStream
18:06:45 T:2787238944 NOTICE: Thread CMMALRenderer start, auto delete: false
18:06:57 T:2760897568 NOTICE: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
Please provide FULL DEBUG ENABLED logs via http://paste.osmc.io or some similar pastebin type site.
how to enable debug level ?