PVR stuttering even after fresh install

Hi, after the last update of my Vero 4k Tvheadend channels started stutter. Logs are here https://paste.osmc.tv/luqofufadi (those logs are after completelly fresh reinstall with restore .hts directory). Recordings of channels stutters too :frowning_face:

Can you help with this? Or can I help to you with any new information missing on my post?

Thx very much

Looks like hundreds of decode errors:

[ 1725.765849] [0]cur lcu idx = 0, (total 510), set error_mark
[ 1725.785108] [0]cur lcu idx = 0, (total 510), set error_mark
[ 1725.786032] [0]cur lcu idx = 0, (total 510), set error_mark
[ 1725.786985] [0]cur lcu idx = 0, (total 510), set error_mark
[ 1725.787911] [0]cur lcu idx = 0, (total 510), set error_mark
[ 1725.805272] [0]cur lcu idx = 0, (total 510), set error_mark
[ 1725.805960] [0]cur lcu idx = 0, (total 510), set error_mark
[ 1725.806665] [0]cur lcu idx = 0, (total 510), set error_mark
[ 1725.807474] [0]cur lcu idx = 0, (total 510), set error_mark
[ 1725.825056] [0]cur lcu idx = 0, (total 510), set error_mark
[ 1725.826246] [0]cur lcu idx = 0, (total 510), set error_mark
[ 1725.827481] [0]cur lcu idx = 0, (total 510), set error_mark
[ 1725.828632] [0]cur lcu idx = 0, (total 510), set error_mark
[ 1725.829657] [0]cur lcu idx = 0, (total 510), set error_mark
[ 1725.830671] [0]cur lcu idx = 0, (total 510), set error_mark
[ 1725.838067] [0]Error config_mc_buffer, 0th poc (524) has error
[ 1725.838116] [0]cur lcu idx = 0, (total 510), set error_mark
[ 1725.840954] [0]Error config_mc_buffer, 0th poc (524) has error
[ 1725.841002] [0]cur lcu idx = 0, (total 510), set error_mark
[ 1725.844689] [0]Error config_mc_buffer, 0th poc (524) has error

Are other files affected (not recordings / Live TV)?

After fresh install I do not use anything else just PVR so I can not say :frowning: Decode errors means what? I did not upgraded almost 2 years and all has been ok till now but kodi 20 was the reason.

Can you have a look at that topic here, maybe it’s related to your issue?

I tried it, unfortunately it did not helped :frowning:

So I solve it. Long story: My kodi does not show signal stength, always 0%. So I search for kodi setting and found this post Kodi signal strenght/snr indicator in db/dBm. I did it and all my stuttering is gone. Kodi still shows 0% on signal but maybe I solve it next time. So maybe helped just resave adapter on tvheadend alone (even without checkbox) or the checkbox is the magic one. So maybe restored .hts directory copyed back to Vero needs to “resave” after reinstall of Vero?