Real standby mode available yet?

If connected via Wired Ethernet I would suspect so yes.

I haven’t seen this before. I don’t think it is possible for your device to go in to a screensaver when the standby is active. A debug log may show some clues


Just a quick update:
Well, yes, there is a suspend mode. But the german translation is a bit misleading so it escaped me.
Also, from what I can tell at the moment it works and the NAS sends the harddrives to sleep.
But I still think the option of disconnecting the WLAN while going to sleep (and vice versa) is a good thing, so I will try this out when I find some free time.


unfortunately I have to post another update:
OSMC - or, more possible the slideshow screensaver - crashes after wakeup, so I have to unplug the Vero.
For unknown reason the “normal” screensaver starts immediatly after the wakeup, and then the whole system freezes.
My guess is, it has something to do with the NAS HDDs needing time to spinup.
But why does the screensaver is starting instantly after wakeup anyway, and is not waiting the 1 minute as it is supposed to?
This behaviour makes the suspend mode virtually unusable, which is sad.

Any ideas for a workaround anyone?

Do you mean that after the standby wakes up, it’s starting your “slideshow screensaver” directly on wake up?`

In that case perhaps sending a key at the wake up stops it from starting screensaver directlly after wake up?

xbmc.executeJSONRPC(‘{“jsonrpc”: “2.0”, “method”: “Input.Select”, “id”: 1}’)

Remember to “import xmbc” before that line unless you have it already in the

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Thats what is happening. Instant screensaver after wakeup. These rotating circles appear, and then it freezes.

Have not been able to mess around with the sleep and wake files though, its all in its natural state still.

I’m just in the process of setting up my new Vero’s and was very interested in turning off eth0 on suspend. I can confirm that this works, but all arguments needed to be separated, e.g.:

import subprocess['sudo','/sbin/ifconfig','eth0','down','shell=True'])

for and

import subprocess['sudo','/sbin/ifconfig','eth0','up','shell=True'])


The ‘shell=True’ I only added because of testing, a ‘1’ as suggested originally should also work.

edit: sorry, looks like I spoke too soon. I can see that eth0 is going down, based on the led on my switch, but then seems to get started again after a few seconds automatically. Any idea what the reason might be?

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Well, OSMC uses the connman internet connection manager, the NetworkManager (ifconfig up/down) is obsolete.

Shell commands I would try are:
sudo /usr/bin/connmanctl disable ethernet
sudo /usr/bin/connmanctl enable ethernet

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Thanks a lot, I wasn’t aware of that - still getting used to the system. It now seems to work with the following (eth0 stays down):

import subprocess['sudo','/usr/bin/connmanctl','disable','ethernet'])

import subprocess['sudo','/usr/bin/connmanctl','enable','ethernet'])
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Hey thanks to @derfelot I’ve now managed to let my home server shut down automatically after I put the Vero into suspend state. However I have a small problem after wake up: the Yahoo weather widget (I’m using in the Eminence 2 skin from the official repository) doesn’t update anymore and shows a “disabled” state (striked out line). Reloading the skin does not solve this, I have to completely restart the box. What I’ve tried is adding to the above command to also stop and start the mediacenter service like:['sudo','systemctl','stop','mediacenter'])

However this resulted in the box immediately waking up again. Is there any way to just reload the weather widget in Kodi?

Another problem I have with suspend mode is that if the Vero is suspended for an extended amount of time, say 48 hours, I’m unable to wake it up using the remote anymore. 24 hours was not a problem recently. I have to pull the plug in this case. Could it be related to disabling the ethernet?

Shouldn’t be the case.
When this happens, do you have the opportunity to attach a keyboard?


Can’t help you with the widget issue I’m afraid since I don’t use one and have confluence as my skin.

Regarding the suspend issue however, I can confirm it doesn’t seem to be related to disabling ethernet. My vero’s still wake up without issues even after several days.

Will USB keyboard work?

So, what’s the recommended way to start and stop Kodi from the wake und scripts?

Sure USB Keyboard is fine, alternatively you can try to access via SSH

If you stop Kodi in the script, then the resume won’t work – as it’s handled by Kodi’s screensaver.

Ok what do you want me to do next time this happens?

If you have a keyboard attached then the next time it displays this behavior go to the power menu and “exit” then press “esc” as soon as the blue screen comes up. Login to the terminal with osmc/osmc and then type in “grab-logs -A” and post the url that comes back in this thread. You can type in “exit” to get back to Kodi.

HELP! I have modified the script like this:

import subprocess['sudo','/bin/systemctl','disable','mediacenter'])['sudo','/usr/bin/connmanctl','enable','ethernet'])['sudo','/bin/systemctl','enable','mediacenter']

Now the box seems to be bricked after I put it into suspend. i cannot connect via ssh and when I pull the plug and plug it back in it shows this screen and then video blanks out.

What can I do besides reinstalling from USB, provided this even works…

Use what I typed just above your post to get to the terminal and then remove those sleep commands.

Try ctrl-c to get out of that stuck state.