Recent Update Causes 1080p Stutter/Crash

Hi. After applying the July 2023 update to my Vero 4K+, it’s unable to play anything 1080p or above. SD-quality files are fine, but anything in high definition maxes out the machine. Video stutters/buffers for as long as it can before giving me the sad face screen.

Please tell me I messed up some settings while bored, and that this doesn’t require a clean install.


Does it do the same if you are playing content stored on the other drive you have connected?

It’s the same for all drives.

Your system did not update properly.
You can check for updates again, or run sudo apt-get -f install via SSH.

running that via SSH worked. thank you!

Glad to hear this.

Can you please explain me in details how to do This SSH thing? Before This last update I am with The same problem with my vero 4K+.

In the hacker movies when they claim to hop from system to system to system. That’s accomplished via ssh. It isn’t made up.

ssh is how Unix systems communicate. It has been a replacement for rsh since the mid-1990s. Basically, every Unix/Linux admin in the world uses ssh to manage their systems from a single workstation. Doesn’t matter if the target system is sitting on the same shelf or on the other side of the planet. ssh is how we connect and manage it.

ssh can do so many things. A quick list:
ssh is enough for

  • secure remote CLI/shell access to systems with plain ssh
  • securely run remote X11 applications through an ssh tunnel for display on the local X/Server
  • secure remote access to files via sftp (Linux file managers support this)
  • secure remote filesystem access via sshfs
  • secure remote desktops via x2go (more secure than rdp/vnc)
  • secure remote file replication with rsync (ssh is the default rsync protocol)
  • secure port forwarding of selected ports - a SOCKS5 browser proxy is an example
  • secure remote editing with vim/gvim and other editors
  • pseudo-VPN with sshuttle

ssh really is the toolbox for remote connectivity between systems.

A good resource about all things ssh is the wikibooks OpenSSH Client Conf entry.

If your workstation isn’t Linux/Unix, things aren’t as standard, but there is an ssh client for every OS with a network stack. MS-Windows users probably want PuTTY and WinSCP for their clients.

sftp can be used to securely access files over the internet. It uses the same port that sshd listens on and all ssh security applies.