A while ago the OSMC remote control started to work intermittently, no longer responding.
Whereby buttons pressed would not respond on the system lasting between 10-15sec before working again for a brief period (about 10mins). For instance, pressing the volume buttons wouldn’t change the volume, arrow keys and ok buttons not working, etc etc. The button long press actions also don’t work most of the time.
When the remotes not working the blue LED continues to function and video playback is working and unaffected.
It seems to be fixed after powering off the system, but working only for about 10mins then the issue will reappear
I’ve tried,
moving the dongle to the other USB port on the vero
Replacing batteries
Repairing the remote
Replacing the power supply for the Vero
A set of logs
The system is a Vero 4k+ with the dongle plugged directly into the unit, not using a USB hub.
Any thoughts and assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks in advance.
Do you have multiple Vero devices? It’s possible you could be using the wrong dongle with the remote (as there have been a few revisions over the years).
Any recent changes in environment like a new router etc?
Hi Sam,
Thanks for the super fast reply! 
Nope, only the one Vero and no new changes to the environment. There was a recent change made on the Vero, adding a pair of BT headphones but issue was present before this.
I’m travelling tomorrow but I’ll check the log over the weekend. I haven’t had a chance to check it just yet.
When you say you’ve changed the batteries, are you changing them with new ones? Newer remotes will nag you when the battery is low. There is a slight possibility you’re also replacing the battery with old/low charge batteries.
All good there’s no rush, I don’t want to eat into your weekend
Replaced with a in date pack that was in the draw, but just in case they went bad I also went to the store for some new ones last week.
Appreciate that. Will get back to you shortly.
Hey Sam,
I know everyone’s super busy especially at this time of the year. But did you happen to have any thoughts on what I might be able to try?
Yes, bit chaotic here. But I will check this for you shortly.
Thanks for your patience.
I can see that the dongle is being detected (it’s one of the first remotes we ever produced) and it isn’t disconnecting, which is a sign that the receiver is healthy.
Unfortunately we haven’t produced this remote/receiver for years.
Can you try this remote on a PC or another device and see if the keys also become unresponsive after a few minutes?
The other option which is somewhat of a longshot would be to reinstall OSMC. But I am doubtful it could solve your problem here.
No worries, thanks for the help! 
Man thats a good idea, can’t believe I didn’t think of that one.
Using the remote on Kodi 21.1 running on a Win10 PC.
After a few minutes, I found there was a very slight “unresponsiveness” (volume not responding) with the volume buttons when playing a movie, and the arrow keys not responding for a good 5-10sec, navigating the UI after stopping a movie. I only watched 2-3mins of the movie.
One thing I forgot to mention is I did notice that the blue LED sort of “hangs” increases the duration (blinks on & holds longer before blinking off, compared to the usual blink on and off) if thats useful to know.
Something else I just tried a few days ago was the yatse mobile remote.
That seemed to worked perfectly without issue when the Vero4k+ remote stops working…
Any new WiFi equipment nearby?
The idea that it hangs after a bit suggests interference. When you remove the dongle, is it hot?
Hmm there are two neighbouring wifi APs, but there pretty far away their signal is pretty weak, around -85-98db+ throughout the day.
The only new radio I can think of is a pair of BT earphones, but the issue appeared well before adding them.
Hmm the dongles no hotter then the Vero, coolish slightly warm to the touch. I’ll keep my eye, or rather my hand, on that. 
Then honestly, I’m not sure what the issue is. If it was hot, it could be some short or issue with the dongle.
The last thing I’d suggest is to try it at a friend’s house (even on their PC) to rule out an environment issue.
Hmmm yeah I’ll give that a go but it may be a couple of weeks. In any case, if no sooner enjoy the Christmas holidays!
and thanks again for all the help
Hey sam,
Thanks for the patience. Just tried using the remote at a friend’s on a PC with a new install of kodi, sadly that too, experienced the same issues…
Sorry to hear that, definitely sounds like a hardware issue then. If you email support@osmc.tv with your order number I will see what we can do.
Ok will do, we’ll go from there
I recently purchased the Vero V and it did not come with the remote dongle. Is the dongle no longer shipped with the Vero V and remote? I am currently using a dongle that I was using with another remote and it does work OK when using the USB 2.0.
I just saw info on the OSMC site which answers my question: embeded the remote controller’s RF receiver inside the case. If I am correct this means that a dongle is no longer needed to operate the OSMC remote control. I am still using my old dongle to use my old remote when filling out a search item due to fact that my old remote uses a keyboard.