Remote+Keyboard not working after configuring remote storage & DB

I had a previous thread here (Issues with remote not working after configuring remote storage & DB) , but didnt want to reply to that as a lot of that information has changed.

In short, i still have the same problem with the Vero V (lounge). Once i configure remote database and mount points i get no response from the UI via either keyboard or remote.

i’ve simplified my network and replaced my router (to ubiquity) and for ease of use, everything is now in the same VLAN, so no firewalls. I’ve built a dedicated VM to host the database rather than via docker. I’ve done all i can to make this solution as non-complex as possible.

My ‘old’ Verk 4k+ (bedroom) is actually working fine in the other room, has the exact same advancedconfig.xml settings on both devices and can browse and search my Movie and TV folders.

Existing Vero4K
osmc@bedroom:~$ grep Kodi .kodi/temp/kodi.log | head -3
2024-04-20 13:42:37.094 T:2944 info : Starting Kodi (20.3). Platform: Linux ARM 32-bit (version for Vero)
2024-04-20 13:42:37.094 T:2944 info : Using Release Kodi x32
2024-04-20 13:42:37.094 T:2944 info : Kodi compiled 2024-02-05 by GCC 10.2.1 for Linux ARM 32-bit version 5.10.158 (330398)
osmc@bedroom:~$ grep VERSION_ID /etc/os-release

New VeroV:
osmc@lounge:~$ grep Kodi .kodi/temp/kodi.log | head -3
2024-04-20 15:10:14.936 T:3009 info : Starting Kodi (20.3). Platform: Linux ARM 32-bit (version for Vero)
2024-04-20 15:10:14.936 T:3009 info : Using Release Kodi x32
2024-04-20 15:10:14.936 T:3009 info : Kodi compiled 2024-02-05 by GCC 10.2.1 for Linux ARM 32-bit version 5.10.158 (330398)
osmc@lounge:~$ grep VERSION_ID /etc/os-release

I’m looking to understand whats going on. Both running the same versions and both freshly reinstalled.

Could i seek some advice on why this is behaving like this? I cant seem to determine a reason. Even with no working remote or keyboard i can still interact with the device fine via SSH.

Logs here:

Can’t check the logs until tomorrow, but does the system respond via the web interface?

As you’re (assuming) able to access it via SSH, the system isn’t locking up, only Kodi potentially.

No worries i appreciate its the weekend!, thank you for at least replying.

Yeah agreed, its not the device itself thats hanging (didnt mean to imply that it was) its definitely something with kodi its unhappy about. I get a login prompt from the device but i cant login (from memory i think you have to enable web access and set a password. I’ve not done that as this is first reboot from specifying database and storage. But i do get a prompt

… one thing i’ve just remembered, its a minor detail but you prompting me to think about kodi. I made a change to the default GROUP that OSMC uses, could this be my issue?. EG i made a new groupID and set that as default group for OSMC so that it could mount my remote storage with secure permissions. I wouldnt have assumed changing group would do anything as its the user that would be more important, but wanted to call that out in case its something that is specific to the way its architected. But this is exactly the same setup i have on the Vero4k (changed default OSMC group) and its mostly working.

root@lounge:~# systemctl status mediacenter

  • mediacenter.service - media center application
    Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/mediacenter.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
    Active: active (running) since Sat 2024-04-20 15:10:13 BST; 19h ago
    Main PID: 2829 (mediacenter)
    Tasks: 40 (limit: 3659)
    Memory: 519.2M
    CGroup: /system.slice/mediacenter.service
    |-2829 /bin/bash /usr/bin/mediacenter
    |-3008 sudo -u osmc MALLOC_MMAP_THRESHOLD_=8192 LIRC_SOCKET_PATH=/var/run/lirc/lircd /usr/lib/kodi/kodi.bin --standalone -fs
    `-3009 /usr/lib/kodi/kodi.bin --standalone -fs

Apr 20 17:58:28 lounge mediacenter[3300]: 2024-04-20 17:58:27.842355 sending response
Apr 20 17:58:28 lounge mediacenter[3300]: 2024-04-20 17:58:28.219317 sending response
Apr 20 17:58:28 lounge mediacenter[3300]: 2024-04-20 17:58:28.220168 sending response
Apr 20 17:58:28 lounge mediacenter[3300]: 2024-04-20 17:58:28.231574 sending response
Apr 20 17:58:28 lounge mediacenter[3300]: 2024-04-20 17:58:28.231942 exiting
Apr 20 17:58:28 lounge mediacenter[3300]: ===================================================================
Apr 20 17:58:28 lounge sudo[3299]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Apr 20 17:58:34 lounge mediacenter[3009]: [1.3K blob data]
Apr 20 17:58:35 lounge mediacenter[3009]: [196B blob data]
Apr 20 17:58:35 lounge mediacenter[3009]: [101B blob data]

root@lounge:~# lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN
systemd 1 root 33u IPv4 2210 0t0 TCP *:111 (LISTEN)
systemd 1 root 35u IPv6 11384 0t0 TCP *:111 (LISTEN)
rpcbind 2409 _rpc 4u IPv4 2210 0t0 TCP *:111 (LISTEN)
rpcbind 2409 _rpc 6u IPv6 11384 0t0 TCP *:111 (LISTEN)
connmand 2467 root 13u IPv4 18600 0t0 TCP (LISTEN)
connmand 2467 root 14u IPv6 18604 0t0 TCP [::1]:53 (LISTEN)
sshd 2499 root 3u IPv4 15775 0t0 TCP *:22 (LISTEN)
sshd 2499 root 4u IPv6 15777 0t0 TCP *:22 (LISTEN)
kodi.bin 4369 osmc 41u IPv4 30611 0t0 TCP *:80 (LISTEN)
kodi.bin 4369 osmc 42u IPv6 30610 0t0 TCP *:80 (LISTEN)
kodi.bin 4369 osmc 44u IPv4 32276 0t0 TCP (LISTEN)
kodi.bin 4369 osmc 51u IPv6 32275 0t0 TCP [::1]:9090 (LISTEN)
kodi.bin 4369 osmc 53u IPv6 31168 0t0 TCP *:36666 (LISTEN)
kodi.bin 4369 osmc 54u IPv4 31167 0t0 TCP *:36666 (LISTEN)

The web interface should load by default and any username and password on OSMC is always osmc/osmc by default at the time of writing.

You can add the osmc user to groups but you shouldn’t change groups / default groups. If a remote and keyboard aren’t working maybe you have changed some groups needed for input.

Right ok, yep can login to web interface with osmc/osmc.

Ok, for testing ill change the group back to default, it was the only group i changed. I can do it another way anyway. Will let you know.

Edit: Well now, changing it back to OSMC and the remote works… so a problem of my own making!