[Resolved] Impossible to do a NFS installation

Hi all,

I have OSMC since few months now installed on a Rpi2 over a NFS server (WD My Cloud).
After the last update, OSMC did not start as it get some permission denied.

I decided to start with a fresh install, so I took my SD Card and downloaded the latest image. I then installed it using osmc-installer.
I followed the entire wizard, selected the appropriate nfs location, applied my fixed IP configuration.

Then when I inserted the SD card on the RPI, installation started and halted during “Installation of files”.
The error is Can’t create /dev/loop1 : operation not permitted.

I do not understand what I missed as I already manage to do this installation and did not change anything since.

Anyway, it does no longer work.
I removed /nfs/osmc folder on my NFS server and recreated it. The owner is osmc (uid=1000), group shares (gid=1000).
Permissions are 775 on the folder (I tried 777, it does not provide better results).

/etc/exports is as below on NFS server :

/nfs/osmc *(rw,all_squash,sync,no_subtree_check,insecure,crossmnt,anonuid=1000,anongid=1000)

If you have any idea on the root cause of this issue, it will be more than welcome.
Let me know if you need any additional details !


Did you do your previous installation on a WD My Cloud? Not all NFS servers implement the correct options for things to work properly.


Hi Sam,

thanks to took time to have a look on my issue. Yes, it was on WD My Could initially. I did not change anything to my setup.

You can’t do an nfs boot off an NFS share that has allsquash enabled. :wink:

By doing this you are forcing all files to belong to UID/GID 1000 - eg the OSMC user. When the entire OSMC install is hosted on the nfs server it must be able to support files owned by multiple different users including root. For an nfs root install you need no_root_squash. Something like this:

/nfs/osmc *(rw,async,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check,insecure)

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Hi DBMandrake,

I was really surprised of your response as I did not change anything to my exports (so already had the allsquash first time I installed osmc on the NFS server).
However, as I’m not good on unix, I tried your advice. And I have to give a BIG thank you !!

It works fine now :slight_smile:

Is that your exact export line? Because yours also doesn’t include the netmask designation (/24). /media/raspbmc,async,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check,insecure)

Yes, it is. I do not have to include the netmask as the * give access to all IP’s. I know this is not secured, but NFS is not accessible from outside of my local network (does not have port redirection.)

Thank you so much for your help.